View Full Version : How to define VPIp with Notecaddy

05-12-2014, 12:48 PM

How can i define the VPIP with Notecaddy? If i try to define it via: New Note Definition ==> Pre Flop ==> Action Secuencs ==> "Action had to NOT happen" and "Fold" it counts the hands in the Big Blind wrong (every BB will be count as long as nobody raise). Is there a possibility?


05-12-2014, 06:40 PM
VPIP is not an easy stat. You need to make another stat that filters specifically for the walks that you refer to and then via a composite definition, subtract those instances and opportunities from the definition you have now to get the real value

Composite Definitions - Assaultware Wiki (http://wiki.assaultware.com/Composite-Definitions.ashx)