View Full Version : Few question about HM cloud.

03-26-2014, 05:06 PM
How to add my whole HH? For now I zipped 2014 folder from pokerstars and it shows: "Uploaded 2014.zip. Queued for import."

EDIT: now it shows "Imported 0 hands from 2014.zip, 2 observed hands skipped "

Next question. Is there any chance that popups shows the same way like in HM2? I mean after putting a cursor on a HUD? It suckz to look for a stats in your new way.

03-27-2014, 06:23 PM
We will skip observed hands and tournament hands. Manual imports are queued if a lot of people are trying to import at the same time. Did your cash hands eventually import and show up? If you tried importing more than 100k hands at once it will be rejected.

I am not sure if we have plans for hover activated popups. Right now we use the hover tool tips to show the stat name since you can't show stat abbreviations in the HUD.

04-28-2014, 09:26 AM
Hey. Don't want to open new so topic so : can I play without the hero hud like hm2? And is it possible to make the background of the hud less transparent?

04-28-2014, 11:49 PM
This is not possible currently.

You can hide the HUD until hover over.