View Full Version : Popup messed up with higher DPI

02-04-2014, 07:14 PM

I recently bought a bigger screen with higher resolution and I have increased the DPI (made things and text bigger on the screen) than before. That resulted my main popup to mess up a bit. I mean like this:

Gyazo - 75c35b804e80f0eb50932a1588013296.png (http://gyazo.com/75c35b804e80f0eb50932a1588013296)

How can I fix this?

Don't use HEM2 because not working on Svenska Spel properly so please don't recommend me to switch to HEM2. I have it and it doesn't work properly over there.

02-04-2014, 11:43 PM
Please check your DPI settings. Set them to normal.

XP: Change DPI Settings in Windows XP (http://www.lawfirmsoftware.com/support/change_dpi_settings_xp.htm)

Vista/7/8: Change DPI Settings in Windows VISTA (http://www.lawfirmsoftware.com/support/change_dpi_settings_vista.htm)