View Full Version : Help :)

12-20-2013, 07:59 AM
Im using 2 screen of monitors to play pokerstars with Ninja apps

How can i save my own table position?

I want to keep $2.50/$3.50 on main screen and $1.50 on second screen is that possible?

Also Whats secs between cycles and max per cycle means?

12-20-2013, 09:06 AM
Hi TheZeros

You can Set Table Aside this lets you set tables aside that you want to remain out of the standard layout so in your case if you want to have $2.50 on one monitor you can have this in the current layout for example stack on the main screen and then for the 3.50 you can set up a set table aside stack on the second screen.

To set this up, assign a Hotkey to STA 1-10 and click the Edit button in Change Layout. Once you are on this screen, Click the Add TA Slot button to tell TableNinja where you want this set table aside table to be.

Please let me know if this works as you want it to.

Secs between cycles - This is the amount of time you want the Sensei to wait before attempting to register you for more games.

Max per cycle - The max per cycle is the maximum number that TableNinja will try to register for every time the timer fires. Basically, ever "seconds between cycles" TableNinja will try to register for as many tables as it needs to for you to reach your target number.

12-20-2013, 10:05 AM
Im using 2 screen of monitors to play pokerstars with Ninja apps

How can i save my own table position?

I want to keep $2.50/$3.50 on main screen and $1.50 on second screen is that possible?

Also Whats secs between cycles and max per cycle means?

Hi TheZeros,

Just as a side note, we will implement Multi-Stack in the near future, and then it will be much easier :) You will be able to select "filters" for each stack - and tables will go to that stack by default.
