View Full Version : Can't see list of players

09-28-2013, 11:14 AM
My tablescan 2 will scan all the tables on pokerstars (classic scan).

The results come back:
Tables Pane:
Tables (0/82) || Players known 43/411)

Players Pane:
Players 0/411 || Players known (43/411).

The pane in the bottom left shows 6 player names with how many tables they are on.
Double clicking on them does nothing.

When I scan it shows the name of the very first table in the lobby, it stays there until the scan is finished and dissapears.

I have followed all the guides on here for stars, lobby, fonts etc.. nothing worked.

I reset the table color filters too and most of the other options I could see.

09-29-2013, 10:48 PM
Looks like you have a filter enabled.

Take a look at the scanner toolbar.
There's a "filter" section on top:

"Show my active tables"
or "Show tables I am waiting for"

I suppose one of the these two filters is enabled...

09-30-2013, 10:50 AM
You are right, did not think that would affect it (and I am pretty sure I tried disabling them!).

Working great now thanks.