View Full Version : Potential Malware issue

06-22-2013, 10:18 PM
I was installing HM manager and my firewall gets triggering up with a screen capturing program which was rooted in Holdem manager, the firewall doesn't like stuff like this...

Does holdem manager utilise screen capturing software and if so, what for?

06-22-2013, 10:25 PM
Hmmmm, what could be the possible use of that:confused:

06-22-2013, 11:14 PM
HoldemManager (and the integrated TableScanner) do contain code that rightfully is detected as malware.
Though it isn't actual malware, it's still a false-positive.

This code includes:
-HM1: HM1 has three different screen scrape methods (which aren't used anymore)
-TableScanner being able to 'read' the lobby of pokerclients
-HM2 'hooking' into a pokerclient to retrieve the list of players when you play Rush/Zoom/FastForward, etc.

This is why you should always add HoldemManager and PostgreSQL to the exceptions list of your firewall/antivirus programs.

06-22-2013, 11:17 PM
Also for 'live tracking' purposes, and for tracking for example the anonymous tables on Microgaming (which no longer have a unique table number), we're looking into using screen capturing.