View Full Version : correctly delete a database

06-09-2013, 04:15 PM
I have HM2, PT4 and postgres with 3 databases on their own SSD hard drive.

I want to delete one HM2 database and all clutter associated with it without hurting the HM2/PT4/other two dbs.

I want to re-use the space for a new HM2 db. Maybe I should use maintenance on the old two dbs before creating a new one in place of the deleted one?

How do I go about that?

Thank you.

06-09-2013, 08:54 PM
To delete the database--> go to the Home tab in HM2--> Database-->
(don't use pgadminIII)

Home tab--> Database--> Maintenance--> you can run a vacuum/reindex here on the other two databases.
To vacuum/reindex a database (including the PT4 database) you can also just use pgadminIII.

06-11-2013, 04:01 PM
The backup functions don't work at all for me :(

Export hands: Doesn't finish within 24 hours.
Export Hero hands only: Not even close to all Hero hands. I did month by month, some months are empty?!
Export Config: Exports nothing.
Backup DB: Doesn't finish within 24hours.

So anyway I deleted it through HM2 interface.

This freed 40gb of space.
The database takes up ~220gb though as the 265gb hard drive was almost full and the other stuff on there is <20gb.
Where is the rest lol?

Oh ok Im trying to close HM2 and it says "no, waiting to finish DEL DB operation". This was done after 10min.
Now I have 80gb free space, not bad. Still 140gb full on my HDD? I really don't know what it is. Its all in the postgres\data folder.

06-11-2013, 08:45 PM
Are you using NoteCaddy?

Vacuum/analyse all your old databases.

06-12-2013, 04:51 PM
Holy Shit.

I Vac/Analysed the PT4 database, which has like 100k hands. Took only 1 hour. Now my drive is completely empty (down to 3gb used from 220gb used).

I knew something was wrong with the PT4 thing. Ever since I got PT4 my driver started exploding even though I wasn't using it. I dont exactly understand why or how.

Seriously why would PT4 using a database on the Explode randomly alongside an HM2 database for no reason? I do have a bit of a wonky setup with postgres 8.3, 8.4 and 9.2 all installed but still wtf 220gb data out of nowhere?

06-12-2013, 07:37 PM
Reboot your computer.

Check your Windows TEMP folder, is there are 220 GB of temp files you can delete.