View Full Version : How can i delete observed hand & stats from database

05-08-2013, 09:04 PM
Ok i have purge hands by "setting->purge hands" & "observed hh configuration->purge hand history options" but this will not delete stats from database.

Yesterday after that, i did export hand historys and i did make new database then i import hands there. I have around 500k hands played there but hem import only 400k and rest is errors. Lifetime i have made new database time to time and this same problem have been all the time, hem don't import all hands what it first export from database.

Why i don't use "additional hud filters?" Because i play different games, and some game formats, i want to have access all data what i have certain games. And because there is no "additional hud filters to different games & limits" i can't use it. and need to delete some stats/historys.

Why i don't import historys from archive? Because there is all hands what i have in my computer, some of them is observed and don't want them to database. It's 0% change that i go there and delete manually 1 by 1 them...

So how do i delete finally observed hands & stats, don't want to see them on my hud?

Side note, i have license to hm2, but it have been really big letdown to me. hm2 don't have nothing new what i need, it's only way more complicate, bugish. Also if i try to get hands from my database from hm1 to hm2, import from database, or if first export hands from hm1 then import to hm2, or if i import them from archive, i will get really different results to my database. That new look may get more customers to holdem manager, personally i can't recommend it to anyone.

Holdem manager1 is working very stable, it have allmost all options/stats what grinder need. I can't understand why holdem manager development team refuse to fix problem with hm1 what people info. If you read this forum or 2+2 you will see how much there have been empty promises.

Example personally i remember that i did send mail to support that hand historys what i did get from ongame, don't import to hem. Support promised to fix that and i send them hh's. Well after over one year, i still don't have those hand's in my database.

05-09-2013, 12:37 AM
I'm sorry to hear you're having issues with this and I apologize for the delay. I have escalated this to our 2nd level support techs and have explained the issues you are having and they will be in touch shortly to help resolve the problem.

05-10-2013, 11:59 AM
The 'Settings > Purge Hands' option used to remove the data from the HUDs. I just did some testing for this and it looks like something changed in the behavior and while the hands are removed from the reports/database they are no longer removed from the HUD. Unfortunately this is not something we will fix at this point. HM1 only receives critical fixes to existing features going forward (and that limited support will end at some point in the future as HM2 is our priority now) and this would not be considered a critical feature.