View Full Version : Agg Pct definition?

04-28-2013, 01:49 PM
I'm looking for a definition of Agg Pct that is better than what is found here: http://faq.holdemmanager.com/questions/95/Stat+Definitions#aggression

Questions I have include:
Is it limited to post-flop?
Does it look at every action on each street or just the first?
Is it just Bet, Raise, Call (not check or fold) as is Agg Factor, or does it include check and fold?

I'd also love to see some example scenarios to make sure it's clear.


04-28-2013, 08:27 PM
All aggression stats are post-flop stats:
The overall aggression stats (TOT Aggression) look at all streets combined. Though since most situations that make up this overall stat will likely be aggressive actions on the flop the overall stat can be very flop-centered.

Aggression Frequency (AFq): ((Bets + Raises) / (Bets + Raises + Calls + Folds)) * 100%

Aggression Percentage (Agg Pct) = ((Bets + Raises) / ((Bets + Raises + Calls + Checks))) * 100% (Aggression Percentage = aggressive action on each street. So if I bet the turn and the river but check the flop I would have 66% Agg Pct because I made 2 out of 3 aggressive actions.)

Aggression Factor (AF): (Bets + Raise) / Calls

b/b/b - AF: inf, AFq: 100, Agg Pct: 100
b/x/b - AF: inf, AFq: 100, Agg Pct: 67
b/x/x - AF: inf, AFq: 100, Agg Pct: 33
b/x/c - AF: 0.5, AFq: 50, Agg Pct: 33
b/c/c - AF: 0.3, AFq: 33, Agg Pct: 33

b = bet
x = check
c = call

Remember Aggression Percentage doesn't look at the percentage you bet/raise/check, etc. but at the number of aggressive actions out of all actions.