View Full Version : Winnings - $(EV adjusted) versus Filtered Data: Show EV adjusted

12-18-2010, 03:35 PM
I play SnG's. 6.5$ 18man, 6.5 45man, 3.25 45man and 3.40 18man.

Now My winnings says 147k, and my EV adjusted says 47k. (tournament chips obviously)
So I assumed that i was running 100k above EV.

Now when i go to results ==> filtered Data, it gives that i made 218.25 profit.

When i click the checkbox Show EV adjusted, it says i should have earned 263.18$..

So actually its saying the opposite.. How come?

12-19-2010, 01:47 AM
Chip EV in SNGs (and tournaments) is pretty useless since it doesn't compensate for the blind levels/stacksizes.

So if you go allin in two hands:
hand 1: AKs vs TT when the blinds are 10/20. (early in a tourney)
hand 2: TT vs AKs when the blinds are 5000/10.000. (late in a tourney, already in the money, but not near the final table)
The Chip EV will rely for 99.9% on the result of hand #2.

The Luck Adjusted Winnings in STTs does take into account what the exact influence is of the hand on your potential winnings. So in my previous example, hand 1 is just as important since half the time you'll lose and will be eliminated from the STT.