View Full Version : rush; hud and tourney results bug

12-01-2010, 07:16 PM
i was playing rush all went fine till i reach final table. the hud stop refreshing in the final despite the import hand seams ok.

them i finished in 5 but hm wont recognize the tournament ended and wont assume its finished, and dont assume the manual entry either or the winings.

1.11.05d, any solution?

12-02-2010, 01:25 AM
NO HUD on the Rush Final table--> is a known bug we're trying to resolve as soon as possible.

However this shouldn't affect the RESULTS of the tourney.
Do you have the tournament SUMMARY file which states which place you finished, buyin, #entries, $WON etc.?

Check if that file correctly states you finished in 5th place and shows your winnings. If it DOES, email us the handhistory file + summary file to support@holdemmanager.com

12-02-2010, 01:31 PM
"Do you have the tournament SUMMARY file which states which place you finished, buyin, #entries, $WON etc"

do you mean hand hystory file, were in the end says Summary or a file with that name?

in hand histry the summary finished saying that i lose, but no place, buyin nor won... dont know what happened...

but what about now that for hm i still didnt finished the tournament and wont acept my edit selected.
one of my early tournaments i finished 10 i edit selected, and it acept my winings and place, and others i simple lose before the money.

in the others on hm it says the place i ended like 28, or 96...
i hope i have explayned myself right because of my english... :)

EDIT: foget all above, i have the file you requested and i sent the 3 files to support, hm still wont recognize i ended the tournament nor acept "edit selected" with that information

12-04-2010, 05:39 AM
please email the hands and corresponding summaries to support@holdemmanager.net and also link to this thread

12-04-2010, 12:44 PM
hi, already did.