View Full Version : auto fold

11-05-2010, 04:30 PM
I would like the advance fold control on both my right mouse button and a hotkey. Is there already a way to have the same action both places or should I start a suggestion poll?


11-05-2010, 05:37 PM
I'm afraid this isn't currently possible. Feel free to make a suggestion thread. In the meantime a small .ahk should do the trick. Try adding this to a blank .ahk file before running:


Set the AA check/fold hotkey to "control+a" and change "F11" to whatever key you want to hit. The third line is so you can hit "F12" to send a right mouse button click to turn the .ahk off after your finished ;)

11-05-2010, 07:42 PM
I'm afraid this isn't currently possible. Feel free to make a suggestion thread. In the meantime a small .ahk should do the trick. Try adding this to a blank .ahk file before running:


Set the AA check/fold hotkey to "control+a" and change "F11" to whatever key you want to hit. The third line is so you can hit "F12" to send a right mouse button click to turn the .ahk off after your finished ;)

I have never messed with .ahk files other than one that was all in place to auto extend time but I'm sure I can find an .ahk file to cut and paste into with a little digging and rename it.

Thanks for the very quick response.


11-05-2010, 07:46 PM
If you have .ahk installed on your PC you should be able to right click a blank spot on your desktop and select new AutoHotKey script to make a blank one. Then right click the file and select edit script to paste in that text.

11-05-2010, 10:27 PM
If you have .ahk installed on your PC you should be able to right click a blank spot on your desktop and select new AutoHotKey script to make a blank one. Then right click the file and select edit script to paste in that text.

Thanks Again!
