View Full Version : Table Manager window lists FT detached chat windows

11-01-2008, 05:27 PM
Since I usually detach and minimize the chat windows on Full Tilt to minimize distractions I've noticed that the Table Manager (1.6.4o) is listing the chat windows which makes the Table Manager window unwieldy especially since I often 8 table+ A relatively minor bug but an easy one to fix I suspect.

11-02-2008, 11:00 AM
What exactly is the table manager doing, keeping on popping up and stealing focus?

11-03-2008, 02:26 AM
No, it's not stealing focus, it instead of just listing the tables I'm playing at it lists the tables and then has a duplicate listing for the chat window as if it was an actual poker table so if I'm 8 tabling instead of 8 tables in the table manager, it has 16 entries, the 8 chat windows are preceeded by Chat. For example if I'm playing at 2 tables named Held and Gwen, instead of 2 lines in the table manager, there are 4:

Chat Held (deep 6)
Held (deep 6)
Chat Gwen (deep 6)
Gwen (deep 6)

this gets out of hand when I have 10 + tables open and the table manager gets rather unwieldy.

11-04-2008, 02:37 PM
Hi, Confirmed the problem exists with unattached chat windows, the chat window is using the same process as the table window fulltiltpoker.exe so it might be a difficult fix considering its not causing any real problems if you just minimize it to the task bar but ill ask Mike if theres anything that can be done