View Full Version : invalid HUD stats

02-06-2013, 09:09 PM

I found some wrong numbers in HUD stats

a) "Turn Cbet-Fold IP 3Bet pot". In my sample total "Turn Cbet-fold 3bet" pot has 31 sample, "Turn Cbet-Fold oop 3bet pot" has 17 sample, but "Turn Cbet-Fold IP 3Bet pot" has more than 100 samples instead of 14. Nonsense.

b) "River Raise CB - 3Bet pot". Sum of Fold+Call+Raise River CB is not 100. Sample count for Fold & Call is equal, but for Raise is different.


c) During importing DB from HM1 some hands (more than 20k from 4mln) was lost and I had to export/import them by own hand. Not sure this is bug, maybe I did smth wrong

02-07-2013, 03:38 AM
a/b read: http://hm2faq.holdemmanager.com/questions/2052/DatabaseUpdateUtility (read the last part on stat changes) It explains why the sum of certain stats (fold + call + raise) is no longer 100%.

c: Were the 20k hands observed handhistories, or games played at a certain site (ipoker?), or played at a specific type of tables?
Similar issues have been reported when you run a 'import from database' on a very large HM1 database. Ideally, run an additional 'import from folder' on your HM1's archive folder, C:/HMArchive.

02-07-2013, 04:46 AM
Anyway, looks weird

I run some reports...
"Called Preflop 3bet = true + Facing river cbet=true". It showed me 45 hands. In HUD we see 47 hand with river cbet call/fold and 21 hands with river raise. I got cbet river raise in 3 bet pot not higher than 10%, but HUD tells me it is 24%.

I got total 6 situation of CBet/Fold turn in 3betpots, but HUD shows me 19% (31 situation).

Looks like HUD counts wrong

02-09-2013, 05:56 PM
Ziga writes:

More on "a": I found an issue with 'Turn CBet-Fold IP 3BetPot' stat, its showing wrong opportunities count:
bugticket, HM-6487

b: As far as Facing river CBet goes, didnt find any issues there. I had similar difference in opportunities between call/fold/raise, and they were all all-in situations where a raise wasn't posible. If you believe something is still wrong with river stats, export hands using Advanced Filters>River>Facing River Continuation Bet=True and I can take a look at it.