View Full Version : Donk bet formula for calculating

09-29-2010, 07:26 AM
I would like to know the formula for how to calculate donkbet stats that are used in the hud, preferably as many as possible of the different situation?

Donk Bet Flop
Fold to Donk Bet Flop
Fold Donk Bet Vs Raise Flop
Raise Donk Bet Flop
Donk Bet Turn
Donk Bet River

Thanks in advance, regards Pete

12-09-2010, 09:10 AM
I want know to.

12-10-2010, 09:01 AM
I do not understand the stat Donk bet flop, a feeling that it considers not exactly what I need.
In my view it should be considered:
DidDonkBetFlop * 100/CouldDonkBetFlop if, in general.

But when I started forming this query:
Stat GroupName = "Flop" ColumnName = "FlopDonkBet" ValueExpressions = "sum (case when ph.PreflopAction_ID in (0,1,2,3,4) and ph.PreflopPlayerActionType_ID in (11,33,55,66) and ( ph.flopplayeractiontype_id <45 and ph.flopplayeractiontype_id> 22) then 1 else 0 end) as FlopDBetMade; sum (case when ph.PreflopAction_ID in (0,1,2,3,4) and ph.PreflopPlayerActionType_ID in (11,33, 55,66) then 1 else 0 end) as FlopDBetPossible; "Evaluate =" FlopDBetMade * 100.0/FlopCBetPossible "ColumnHeader =" Flop DonkBet% "ColumnFormat =" 0.0 "ColumnWidth =" 61 "Tooltip ="% of time player bets the flop after being the preflop raiser "/

Determine when we faced preflop raise - ph.PreflopAction_ID in (3,4)
Define when we call preflopraise - ph.PreflopPlayerActionType_ID in (11,33,55,66)
Determine when we do bet flop - ph.flopplayeractiontype_id <45 and ph.flopplayeractiontype_id> 22

Identifies opportunities to donkbetflop - ph.PreflopAction_ID in (0,1,2,3,4) and ph.PreflopPlayerActionType_ID in (11,33, 55,66),
and initially I added here yet when we bet the flop + check flop. But it turned out that the resulting stat more real. I decided that the denominator is small and I do not fully identified opportunities for donkbetflop and asked a whole range of ph.PreflopPlayerActionType_ID. And it turned out that receiving the paper again, more real: (What did I do wrong, because I formed the numerator right! Or not?
I'm all over the forum has not found ready-made formulas for donkbet flop:(
Please help me shape it!