View Full Version : Tournament HUD Config for Consideration and Feedback

09-03-2010, 09:49 AM
Having little success in finding a good tournament HUD config pre-made, I made this one. Take a look, read my thoughts on the design, and tell me if I'm all effed up or not. Feedback and criticism will be appreciated. Thanks.

http://lh5.ggpht.com/_Gz9o93tMY34/TIDH8WXL4rI/AAAAAAAAAB8/1b8N_SFvD0c/s800/StatBoxLarge.jpg http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Gz9o93tMY34/TIDHyIo5I7I/AAAAAAAAAB4/cqHVEW6ygoQ/s800/StatBoxActual.jpg

This is the main stat box; large and actual size. The BB and M are visible only on my stat box. I was thinking about only having BB and M visible on my box instead of all the other stats, but I've learned so much about my play by looking at the popups, I decided to leave them.

I'm using Tahoma 7 point font. It's not really what I wanted. I was looking for a font that was more wide than high, like a block bitmap font. I found and downloaded some that I liked, but when I put them in my fonts folder and tried to apply them to the stat box, it crashed HEM. Super.

14K is the hand sample with no abbreviation. Using grey for <20, red for <50, yellow for <200, and green for <inf. Experienced users let me know if this coding is representative of the reliability of sample size. Thanks.


VP is likewise attached to VP$iP stat. Using red for <15%, yellow for <26%, and green for <inf, with min sample adjustment of 20. Again, let me know if you think these values are good or bad for tournament play. I think they're representative of good tournament VP ranges.

My aim was not so much to rely on the stat box info, but rather try to use the detail data popups for pre-hand planning based on opponents tendencies. I tried to make the popups data relevent to situations and opponents' actions before and during the play of the hand, and I also tried to incorporate data points from which I could draw comparisons and better judge whether an opponent's action was typical or atypical based on their history. Unfortunately, at such small stakes, gathering sample sizes that make any of this data reliable is tough. I play a lot, and I pretty much stick to a particular type of game for a long time, so I'm hoping to get some good samples on regs. The fish just outplay themselves anyway.

Here is the popup associated with VP:

http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Gz9o93tMY34/TIDH8lfHw-I/AAAAAAAAACE/bGSjho9oHfc/s800/VPiPV10.jpg http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Gz9o93tMY34/TIDHyIo5I7I/AAAAAAAAAB4/cqHVEW6ygoQ/s800/StatBoxActual.jpg

Hand sample size in the top left, same for all popups. Have no use for a name in the popup. VPiP and Agg Factor for assumption baseline at the top. Open Raise (linked to 1st Raise stat) by total and position (except blinds - blind info found elsewhere) with comparative Limp stats to judge whether an opponent has strong or weak preflop play. Limp actions in the middle, to know if someone tends to limp and call, limp and fold, or if they use the limp early/3Bet technique I so loathe. Button play on the right, as well as how often someone elects to play any two cards in worst position post flop. On the left, as I look at it, I'm not liking those stats there. More relevant would be Limp Fold rather than Fold to 3Bet, which is already in the middle column. BB raise - probably doesn't accurately represent what I'd like it to, which would be how often BB attempts to pick up limped pots preflop. And flop CBet doesn't really make sense here since villain limped. Cool. Thanks for your help.


PFR Stat is likewise attached to PFR, though I thought it might be better to be attached to 1st Raise stat. The description seems like it might be a little more accurate. Let me know. I'm using red for <10%, yellow for <25%, and green for <inf, with min sample set at 20.

PFR Stat popup:

http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Gz9o93tMY34/TIDHxw128MI/AAAAAAAAAB0/1ThG4aLJ8Fk/s800/PFrV10.jpg http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Gz9o93tMY34/TIDHyIo5I7I/AAAAAAAAAB4/cqHVEW6ygoQ/s800/StatBoxActual.jpg

Again, hand sample top left, PFR and AggF for baseline. PFr% by position compared side by side with Fold 2 3Bet to sniff out weakness. C-Bet tendencies column 1, with turn and river Agg to compare to see when and if they give up on an aggressive line, or, whether floating is prudent. In the event that they do seem to give up on aggressive lines, frequency of fold to turn and river bets. And finally, I added a slight hedge against trickiness with the final column, frequency of turn and river checkraises. Sucks that you need a HUGE sample for checkraise stats to be useful.


L stat is attached to Limp% stat. Using red for <10%, yellow for <20%, and green for <inf, with a 20 hand min sample, though I don't believe that this color code is particularly useful for this stat - I just didn't want any numbers to be the same color as the text (for clarity).

L Stat popup:

http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Gz9o93tMY34/TIDHxxmaeCI/AAAAAAAAABw/T1cLGpcUbkI/s800/LimpV10.jpg http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Gz9o93tMY34/TIDHyIo5I7I/AAAAAAAAAB4/cqHVEW6ygoQ/s800/StatBoxActual.jpg

Sample and baseline top line. Opposite of PFR popup, limp by position compared to PFR, transposed. Again, SB calling tendencies, mine obviously suck. Gotta work on that. I'm not sure what I was thinking the relevance of SB limp vs SB VPiP was... Limp call, limp fold, limp 3bet in a row, weak/strong tendencies. Call 3Bet Cold, weak play. I added the steal limped pot stat after I read that it refers to stealing post flop. I don't know how that stat is determined, but for some reason, people are still using the limp early/wait for someone to raise/3bet shove technique, which is pretty lame IMO. Limping usually begets limping, so if they have AA or KK, they might be shoving on the flop. I hope this stat actually reflects that thought process and/or betting line. If someone knows better, let me know. I added squeeze due to people tending to like raising in the SB to a LP raise in an otherwise limped pot.

09-03-2010, 09:50 AM
Ag, necessary HUD stat, attached to factor, not %. Using green for <0.75, yellow for <1.75, orange for <2.20, and red for <inf. The colors are arbitrary, as they could be inverted and mean the same thing to another person. I know what they mean. I'm really not sure if they're representative of good information, as I'm not sure yet how AggFactor works. All I know is that I'm around 2.2, and I'm aggressive enough, and not to spewy. Input welcomed on this one.

Ag Stat popup:

http://lh4.ggpht.com/_Gz9o93tMY34/TIDHxjC9ptI/AAAAAAAAABo/svMTT2bpQGs/s800/AggressiveV10.jpg http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Gz9o93tMY34/TIDHyIo5I7I/AAAAAAAAAB4/cqHVEW6ygoQ/s800/StatBoxActual.jpg

Sample and baseline stats in top row. Aggressive stats and actions by street. Float numbers and raise c-bet numbers to sniff out runner runner draws coming in, and made hands on the flop. I'm happy about the IP/OOP stat differentiation because it makes a big difference. Donk bet frequencies by street. Showdown, and win at showdown, hopefully to be able to tell the difference between betting into a calling station and betting into a trap. Probably not even useful. Steal stats. Too high and I raise you, fool! And finally, in the event that I do raise you, hopefully your fold vs resteal will guide me true. 4bet frequency and range just in case. Probably need 20000 hands on a player for that to even be useful, but it looks cool. Probably help more in a cash game.


CBET is attached to Flop CB%, since it makes sense. Using red for <15%, yellow for <30% and green for <inf, with a 50 hand min sample. I felt I had to up the sample size at least some. I think that's about typical.

CBET Stat popup:

http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Gz9o93tMY34/TIDHxgELdqI/AAAAAAAAABs/Eu7m6SkhO8E/s800/CBetV10.jpg http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Gz9o93tMY34/TIDHyIo5I7I/AAAAAAAAAB4/cqHVEW6ygoQ/s800/StatBoxActual.jpg

Usual PFR% for baseline, but switched FlopAggFactor for AggFactor for baseline for obvious reasons. All C-bet actions possible, by street. All the information is useful situationally, whether you're doing the C-betting, or if you're dealing with opponent's C-bet. Again, the IP/OOP differentiation is cool. Bets if no C-bet from OOP stats are attached to Bet vs. missed C-Bet IP/OOP stats by street. That wording just makes more sense to me. I'm pretty sure I didn't eff that up. Super useful information for determining if opponent likes to float and steal, allowing for premium trap setting. I'm looking for a combination of stats that will accurately represent the situation where an opponent takes a strong line with C-Bet, but gives up on a later street frequently. So far I have not found this, other than comparing multiple stats. There doesn't seem to be a PFR/CbetFlop/CheckTurn stat. If anyone knows SQL and knows if it is possible to string queries in the popups, that would be sweet.


WEAK stat is actually attached to the CallOpen stat, because I think that's generally a weak play. The stat number is mostly arbitrary as the WEAK popup (it's not really a weak popup, I don't think) is meant to be a tool for generally finding out if a player is weak or strong, based on weak play stats. For CallOpen, I'm using red for <7%, orange for <15%, yellow for 22%, and green for <inf. Just guessing, but again, I think the number and the color coding are arbitrary.

The point is the WEAK popup:

http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Gz9o93tMY34/TIDH80IOwmI/AAAAAAAAACI/cFVKfgVtvuY/s800/WeakV10.jpg http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Gz9o93tMY34/TIDHyIo5I7I/AAAAAAAAAB4/cqHVEW6ygoQ/s800/StatBoxActual.jpg

I used BB and M for baseline for this one because I think I'll use this a lot around the bubble, and stack size considerations will weigh heavily on decision making. Tried to make kind of a box in the top left corner with comparative stats. FlatPFR% is actually CallOpenTotal%, which is the same thing, I'm sure, compared with 3Bet%. Limp stat is LimpTotal%, which isn't really what I want, but there's no 1stOpenLimp% that I can find, compared with OpenRaise%. The right top box is just some generally common weak action stats, but LimpCall vs LimpFold by comparison could generally describe a Laggy player, which I'm not, but I'm looking pretty weak there, I think. In the middle some weak/strong stats to judge by, and below that some stats on one's blind play. I included the fold to resteal% for some added clarity. The donk bet is like 80% a really weak play, and the other 20% really strong, I think, especially when shorthanded and heads up, so I just put the totals by street on the left, and then some indicators of strength related to donkbetting on the right, in an attempt to have some insight into whether my opponent's donk betting is weak or strong. I like the Fold to Donk bet for weak tight players who think that raising early with unsuited broadway cards is a good play. 2BDonk (raise donk bet, not enough room) hopefully can keep me out of trouble when out of position. And Fold Donk to Raise is good for people like me who have an 80% C-bet%, and will pretty much lead any flop after raising pre. I like this popup.


STEAL is really just another popup link for more detailed information, but at least the value in the stat box is useful at a glance, even with small sample size. In fact, I'm inclined to use this box in session mode to have a better idea of what's going on in the now. Using red for <10%, yellow for <25%, and green for <inf, with a min sample size of 100 (you only end up in the positions to which the stat refers 1/3 of the time).

STEAL Stat popup:

http://lh5.ggpht.com/_Gz9o93tMY34/TIDH8SwL77I/AAAAAAAAACA/B4ByBh2-9uo/s800/StealV10.jpg http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Gz9o93tMY34/TIDHyIo5I7I/AAAAAAAAAB4/cqHVEW6ygoQ/s800/StatBoxActual.jpg

This is a tool that I hope will be good to use on the fly. It's not too big, it's clear, and I'm liking the organization. Notice it's broken up into stealing and defending, so you can open it up and quickly determine if you should be defending your blind light, or if you should be restealing on the poor sucker who thinks he can get over. Used BB and AggFactor as baselines, as stack size determines whether to threebet shove, or threebet 2.74x.

Under stealing column, opponents tendencies per action by position (SB/BB) The defending columns describe how light opponent is stealing. I'd like to switch my stealSB stat for stealCO. That would be good. And open raise % by position. I just used the Raise 1st stat, and I used Raise1stCO for LP, since there is no LP, and this program was designed for 6Max, obviously. My idea of adding Raise1st stat here is for if someone seems to be opening on my blind every orbit. If I can switch to session stats and notice a difference, I have to shove on him one time and hope he's reasonable. I would really like to see a DefendButton vs Steal stat, steal positions being CO, HJ, and BTN -3. That would be useful when attempting to blow through the CO and button to take down the blinds. I put the squeeze stat in there since I see a lot of 3bets from the SB, though I don't know if that stat describes that situation. I hope at some point HEM incorporates bet-size relevant stats, so there can be stats for stop-and-go, go-and-go, and 3bet shove as compared to 3bet min or 3 bet 5x, etc... And of course, the Fold to resteal stat.


For the WIN stat, I used Win20Min stat with green for <20, yellow for <60, and red for <inf. This is just another indicator popup with useful showdown stats, and otherwise stats general to determining the quality of play of the opponent.

WIN Stat popup:

http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Gz9o93tMY34/TIDH8yxKtXI/AAAAAAAAACM/b0vqnhi-GMA/s800/WinV10.jpg http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Gz9o93tMY34/TIDHyIo5I7I/AAAAAAAAAB4/cqHVEW6ygoQ/s800/StatBoxActual.jpg

Used WinTotal and BB/100 for baseline, both of which are pretty useless in a tournament. Good times. Win rates by time - filler basically - I don't know what anyone would do with this information. Showdown stats which are good in determining weak calling stations or effective value-betters. Still trying to figure out how my Win$SD(no small pots) could be bigger than my Win$SDTotal.... That's just weird. Win traits column I think generally indicates those actions that are fundamental to tournament success. Interpreting the information and actually having useful sample sizes is another matter. Again, good times.

So that's my tournament HUD, and it's the best one I've seen, but I'm going to continue to tweek it, look for useful scripts, and learn a little more about the back end of the program, and hopefully increase the reliability of the biznatch.

All non-noobs let me know what you think, and especially what I've gotten totally wrong, and any other suggestions. Other fellow noobs, disparage me at will.


09-03-2010, 12:12 PM
Awesome hud, dude. I prefer transparent huds, but this one looks like prty good! :D

09-03-2010, 01:10 PM
Awsome hud man - this is exactly what I have been trying to make fro myself.. any chance I can get you to share?

09-03-2010, 06:43 PM
I'll export this later and put it up here.

09-04-2010, 11:13 AM
Ok, I've tweaked this a little. I'm going to play a long session today and probably make some more adjustments. I'll export and post the file later tonight.

09-04-2010, 06:45 PM
Ok, I've kind of figured out what's working and what's not with this HUD so far, and made a few changes.

I've made the stat box a little sleeker and more manageable, and figured out some more pertinent stats to have at a glance.

Here's the new visual:

http://lh3.ggpht.com/_Gz9o93tMY34/TILF8HK0s8I/AAAAAAAAACk/oCTCohJrDsk/s800/StatBoxLargeV2.jpg http://lh3.ggpht.com/_Gz9o93tMY34/TILF8eAXpyI/AAAAAAAAACo/v9tw60_cf1g/s800/StatBoxActualV2.jpg

You will notice that the first four stats have no abbreviations, and usually that's well and good if you've made your own HUD, and you just know in what order you've placed them, and what they are.

This is actually very usable, still, for anyone else, so long as they understand why I did it that way. All those stats are relative to preflop action, and I call it the "PreFlop Corrolary". I named it that because I'm a geek.

These four stats, so long as sample size is sufficient, can give one a glimpse into their opponents preflop tendencies in general.



So basically you have the percentage of times opponent limped in versus the percentage of times they raised, divided by the total percentage of hands they voluntarily put money in preflop, divided by total number of hands seen. Which I think draws a pretty nice picture of what someone's doing preflop. Also, it keeps the HUD nice and neat while delivering as much information as possible.

I added BB and M to the right edge of the stat box, rather than on their own line, just to reduce the profile.

I closed up the abbreviations on the second line to conserve space, and I also added an extra stat to the STL stat. The first number is %FoldtoSteal, and the second number is %Steal, so you can look and see quickly if your opponent is a blind thief or a nit to take advantage of.

I'm thinking of adding some more compound stats to the PF corrolary as well.

If you liked the old one, and wanted to get an import, too bad. I didn't export before I made the changes, but I think this one's better anyway.

[EDIT] I also changed the stat that was attached to the WIN abb. Instead of Win 20 min, I'm now using WinRate, which is expressed as BB/100, and I thought that was more useful in the span of a tournament. It's really not very useful, but that's more just a link to the popup, which is useful.

09-05-2010, 05:30 PM
I'm thinking this is pretty much the finished product now. Tweaked a lot, didn't export before I made any changes, so this is what it is, better or worse.


09-05-2010, 10:44 PM
How did u get it to surround the players icons (boxes) like that?

09-06-2010, 02:56 AM
HUD Options -> Player Preferences -> Appearance Tab... use multiple panels.

You have to create your own HUD by cloning an existing preset and making changes. You can't modify the presets. By choosing use multiple panels, each 'new line' break becomes a 'new panel' instead. Then you can move the stats on each panel independently of the others by using CTRL-RMouse.

Pretty good stuff.

09-06-2010, 11:36 AM
Wow! this program truly is amazing!

09-06-2010, 01:57 PM
This HUD is still pretty raw. I still need to go through and fix some of the popups with more relevant stats. At the time, I was confused as to what some stats actually meant. Also, if you're not one to use HUD popups, you probably don't want to use this HUD, since the HUD itself is mostly about the popups.

Changes forthcoming anyway...

Also, since the HUD is panels, it'll probably need some adjustment if you import it. Notice I chose to put the BB panel right next to the stacks. The lone orange number is TourM, which I put to the right of my own stack. It is not visible for the other players, because I don't care about anyone elses M. Just selfish like that.

Enjoy. If you have any questions PM me.

09-06-2010, 02:00 PM
Silly mistake

09-06-2010, 02:06 PM
Massive Fail

09-06-2010, 02:06 PM

The Minder
09-06-2010, 07:27 PM
Patience grasshopper. Don't forget to breathe.

09-06-2010, 08:42 PM
Patience grasshopper. Don't forget to breathe.

LOL. Didn't realize this was page 2, thought it was sending my post as a PM.

09-15-2010, 02:27 PM
hi, since you gave us (by accident) this wonderfull hud, can you tell me
if this takes account and filters for number of players and blinds automatically or not?
do i need to change the tournament hud options from HM manually while playing and i get to the final table or the blinds change?? thank you!!!!
(btw it works wonderfully for betfair hud)

09-15-2010, 04:28 PM
I did not use any of the tournament filters. I figure you have to have such a huge sample on a player for those tournament filters to be even remotely reliable that they are hardly worth using.

Once someone gets down to 10BB or less, I figure they're either going to bust in 20 hands or less, or they're going to double up, which again puts them out of the filter range.

The Minder
09-16-2010, 10:15 PM
I did not use any of the tournament filters. I figure you have to have such a huge sample on a player for those tournament filters to be even remotely reliable that they are hardly worth using.

Once someone gets down to 10BB or less, I figure they're either going to bust in 20 hands or less, or they're going to double up, which again puts them out of the filter range.

Ahhh, the voice of tournament reason in a sea of cash game blindness. Well said Sir.

I totally agree that the lack of history renders these filters meaningless. Of more concern is that these filters, no matter what the history, are not based on sound logic but more reflect what stats/filters are possible under the current db schema. Just because a stat can be created doesn't justify it's existence.

Let's look at just one example, filtering by blind level. Am I to believe that AA in the button is going to be played differently in a 50NLHE cash game vs a 500NLHE cash game? Or in an MTT where the blinds are 1000/2000? Or later in that same MTT when the blinds are 100,000/200,000? Or in an 27 man SnG where the blinds are 15/30?


10-25-2010, 09:04 PM
How do I save and open this in HEM?

When I go to player preferences -> Import I cannot see it on the desktop despite i saved it there.

10-26-2010, 03:38 AM
How do I save and open this in HEM?

When I go to player preferences -> Import I cannot see it on the desktop despite i saved it there.

Trying to remember. I know I saved it to my GF's desktop, and then I think I just opened HEM and to import, found the file, and it just worked. Did you change the filename?

10-26-2010, 04:56 AM
Trying to remember. I know I saved it to my GF's desktop, and then I think I just opened HEM and to import, found the file, and it just worked. Did you change the filename?

It automatically is saved as .download file and when I change name to .xml HEM cant find it.

10-26-2010, 05:21 PM
I didn't change the file extension. Maybe try not doing that.

12-01-2010, 02:00 PM
Awesome config mate. I'm using it on Full Tilt, it improved my results. Thanks for sharing

12-01-2010, 10:14 PM
I've modified (simplified) this config recently. Some of the stuff on the bottom line proved less relevant than I would have thought. Replaced it with 3 and 4bet info and corresponding popups.

12-06-2010, 06:20 PM
I've modified (simplified) this config recently. Some of the stuff on the bottom line proved less relevant than I would have thought. Replaced it with 3 and 4bet info and corresponding popups.

Can you post it ?

12-07-2010, 08:07 AM
I would, but I'm running real bad right now. I think my HUD might suck. You think a bad HUD could make you play bad? Still working on it.

12-07-2010, 09:14 AM
I would, but I'm running real bad right now. I think my HUD might suck. You think a bad HUD could make you play bad? Still working on it.
I don't think bad HUD can turn good player into bad player, maybe if u rely too much on it or if you're not used to it. I use one of the first version of your HUD and it's been great for me. There are few stats I don't use, like Dnk but other stats and pop-ups are working great for me.

12-07-2010, 10:30 PM
I don't think bad HUD can turn good player into bad player, maybe if u rely too much on it or if you're not used to it. I use one of the first version of your HUD and it's been great for me. There are few stats I don't use, like Dnk but other stats and pop-ups are working great for me.

Good to know people are getting use out of this as much as I am. Haven't been playing as much as I'd like, and lately when I do, it's just on a whim - not really planning sessions. I have to prepare to concentrate on winning and I've been too strapped for time to do so. Overall, I think having an efficient HUD has improved my ability to make better decisions on the fly.

Yeah, I dropped the Dnk and Win for 3B/F23B and 4B/F24B, but kept the popups associated with Dnk and Win because there are still stats in those popups that I like such as win at showdown.

What I would really like to see is a way to hyperlink screen names to pokerdb, because by the later stages of tournaments, I'm referring to it A LOT.

12-08-2010, 09:56 AM
Hi guys

I have own tracker and this HEM licenses for years. I have played a lot of tournament poker and I have to say I love it!:D I have always liked to play a lot and not think too much about the results. At the beginning I was losing but truth was I was on hook for this game. Good for my finance I learned to play winning poker on 1$-33$ MTT-stakes. These are the stakes I can beat everytime.

At now I work part-time and I am a part-time MTT-player on Internet. I have forced myself to think more poker as a scientific view than just weekends fun. When I saw Ike´s HUD, I said to myself that I have to fix my HEM and use it for good! I worked with it at like 4hours. Now I understand more of this program. I think it is scary to think how someone can collect so much data on ring-games and use it even after even to crush fishes on tables who don´t even believe their nightmares how low they chances for winning is if they are playing "natural". My own humble opinion is that HEM and all other trackers should be banned to every site. I realised last week how much equity and € I have losed to tables all this years because I have not used trackers.

To the point. Thanks Ike for sharing this HUD with us. Everyone get to the crunch point sometimes when everything is falling apart. U can make it! I play only in european-friendly sites and these sites M is much lower all time in tournaments than FTP and STARS because blind structures are so fast. I worked this HUD to work and it does not work for me because I dont "need" so much information when most of time time my tournament table BB´-average is 1-20 in European site 10-33dollars tournaments. So folks keep your HUD simple enought, because too much information is just...too much:)

12-08-2010, 05:24 PM
...I dont "need" so much information when most of time time my tournament table BB´-average is 1-20 i

...keep your HUD simple enought, because too much information is just...too much:)

So true.

A tournament HUD, in my opinion, is really great for making just a little bit more educated decisions about how to make plays against particular players.

Information on steal/resteal is important, but if someone in particular tries to steal my blind 3 orbits in a row, I'm going to three bet them regardless of what the HUD says, and regardless of what my cards are usually.

3bet and 4bet stats are good, but in small stakes tournaments, I don't see a lot of 3betting, and hardly ever a 4bet until the field is down to the last few tables. But when it does get down to that, even a small sample is pretty reflective of the player profile built by those stats.

Simple is best, but starting out simple and building and expanding the HUD and popups is good as you get better at interpreting the information faster.

I'm building some good samples on a lot of low stakes regs now and I find that win/showdown is a good stat to have somewhere in a popup, even though now, I'm already aware generally of their win/showdown stats to the point that I no longer have to look.

Anyway, the point of stats is to be able to PROFILE YOUR OPPONENTS in a way so that you know what plays can be effective against them, and how to stay out of trouble.

12-09-2010, 08:32 AM

I found this "beginners tournament HUD" few pages backward and I also found there some good MTT-hud layouts. As Ike said HEM-using skill level will (I hope so) increase the time you use with it.

I multitabled last night 15 MTT-tables and I had a problems keeping up with the HEM even I simplified my own HUD alot. But I must start from the scratch; only VPIP,AGG,NAME,HANDS will be good stats to start:D

Anyone playing mini-FTOP:s on FTP?

01-24-2011, 07:39 PM
thanks a lot for sharing your HUD configuration ,this is exactly what i was looking for :)

05-30-2011, 01:06 AM
I also want to thank you for sharing the results of your great work with us, but there still is one question I'd like to ask:

Which configuration of the HUD Tourney Filters would you recommend for best use of this HUD?

05-30-2011, 03:12 PM
I personally wouldn't recommend using any of the tourney filters. Those filters are only going to be useful with super deep stacks and long blind levels. I would say if you're playing $200+ buy-in games for a living are you going to need to use those filters.

I think the time it would take to get an accurate sample from those filters on particular players would take a really long time. If you need to know how a player changes his/her game from 25BB to 10BB, it's a good tool, but how long is someone going to be at 10 BB before busting or doubling up? You're only going to get one hand in your sample from a player with 10BB before he no longer has 10BB.

Just observe the player as they play and determine if they have skill in tournament play or not, then if they're at 10BB, just expect them to open shove a lot lighter with position (or without), and possibly attempt some kind of stop and go (or go and go) maneuvers.

I think those filters are good for players who are playing larger buy-in games against other regs that they end up playing against often. I would like to see a filter for the bubble to gauge how players become more aggressive or more timid on the bubble. That would be profitable.

I obviously haven't been playing online for a while, and I haven't really been playing live either lately. I'm dealing the WSOP this year (during which I rarely play at all), but after it's over, I'm going to commit a small chunk of change to improving my live NLHE game. NO HUD!

05-31-2011, 12:29 AM
Thanks for the quick answer - and I hope the American players will be back on PokerStars soon.

Actually, I'm playing the German IntelliPoker Team League, three events the week, 12 events per month. (IntelliPoker is the European version of Poker School Online). Though it's only micro limits, the average strength of the players is much higher than in other micro limit MTTs - and you are playing against the same 70-80 players again and again, so the database is quickly developing. Unlike other MTTs, the HUD Tourney Filters could (if ever) fit perfectly for the Team League, but how?

05-21-2012, 04:46 PM
Hi, I'm totally new at all this, I've always just used the stats that are factory set.

Anyway, I've downloaded the file on page 2. What do I do with it? I want to make my HUD look like the one on page 1

Edit, please ignore I've worked it out

10-14-2012, 10:51 AM
Hi Ryah, are you still using the HUD today? Which version? https://imagicon.info/cat/10-3/vbbiggrin.png

12-19-2012, 06:44 AM
Hi I'm new to this program could you tell me what the big number means on this config? mostly between 4,0-0,5 ? Thanks! :)

12-19-2012, 10:01 PM
Hi I'm new to this program could you tell me what the big number means on this config? mostly between 4,0-0,5 ? Thanks! :)

Do you mean the aggression factor?
Aggression Factor: is the ratio of how often an opponent will bet/raise, divided by how often he calls.

So it can be a number between 0 and infinite.
And it usually will be a number between 0.5 and 4 (0.5 being a very passive player... 4 being a very 'aggressive' player.)

How to use this number. Or how to exploit an opponent whose AF is too high/low:
When it's too low (<1) the opponent is not aggressive enough, which means he will usually call with his drawing hands... or check behind. He only bets when he has a made hand. He does NOT: raise for information, raise with a draw, donkbet, probe-bet, river-bluff, bluff in position (when it's checked to him), float (to steal the pot from you on the turn), he doesn't cbet enough, he doesn't triple barrel bluff, etc.

So valuebet your made hands against him. When he keeps calling, he often will have a draw (or marginal hand). If he makes a crazy bet (or raise), respect his bet.

When it's too high (>3) the opponent is capable of all those moves.
So often let the opponent do the betting for you when you have a made hand. (for example keep check-calling, let him bluff in position)
If he makes a weird raise, he can also do that with a draw (or marginal hand)! So adjust your game accordingly.

Also create a popup: with Aggression by street so you can see his
Flop Agg Factor: Aggression Factor based on the flop only
Turn Agg Factor: Aggression Factor based on the turn only
River Agg Factor: Aggression Factor based on the river only
because a lot of the OVERALL aggression stat, will consist of the 100% Flop continuation bets, when the opponent is a lot LESS aggressive on the turn/river. While other opponents are notorious for their river bluffs.

03-27-2013, 09:46 AM
I have downloaded the hud, but when I try to download to HM2 it tells me no config found. The actual download looks like a page full of script, but as something of a novice I am struggling. Any ideas.

Also, how do you guys make the huds fit around a players details. Thanks for any help


03-27-2013, 09:28 PM
Which file did you try to import, the .xml file from post #12 from this thread?
Did you use hud options--> displayed stats--> Import 1.0?

03-28-2013, 10:25 AM
yes it was No:12, also I tried to download your SnG hud and had exactly the same issue, would Google Chrome cause this?

Just figured out, these are HM1 huds and need to be imported through Import 1.0, sorry to have wasted your time.


05-22-2013, 11:53 AM
how did u get names before stats?


05-22-2013, 01:18 PM
how did u get names before stats?


hud options--> player preferences--> appearance tab---> turn on show abbreviations.

05-26-2013, 12:47 PM
Thanks. It took me a while since "turn on show abbreviations." doesn't really looking like gettings names before stats. https://imagicon.info/cat/10-3/vbbiggrin.png

12-19-2013, 07:00 PM
Is this hud also avaible for HM1, it fails to load when i try to impot it

12-06-2014, 03:31 AM
Hello i've downloaded the file, and imported it. But the hud doesn't look like the pic on page one.

Can someone pls tell me how i fix this.


12-06-2014, 11:40 AM
Hello i've downloaded the file, and imported it. But the hud doesn't look like the pic on page one.

Can someone pls tell me how i fix this.


Which file did you import and are you trying to import it to HM1 or HM2? This is a very old HM1 thread/HUD and there are multiple versions of the HUD posted all throughout this thread so you need to specify and hopefully someone can help you but if you are trying to get it to work in HM1 as designed there is nothing we on the tech support team can do to help you unfortunately.

We stopped selling HM1 licenses when HM2 was released in November of 2011. We stopped updating for critical bugs and providing support for HM1 at the end of April 2014 - http://faq.holdemmanager.com/questions/661/HM1+End+of+Life+(EOL)+Common+Questions

If you continue to have problems there is nothing else we can do since we no longer support this software so you should consider trying HM2. If you have not tried it recently you should be able to install the latest update and activate a new 30 day trial. If you have any problems with the trial let us know and we can extend the trial for you manually.

01-05-2015, 08:47 AM
i try to import it but it says no hud found :( dafaq?

01-05-2015, 12:57 PM
i try to import it but it says no hud found :( dafaq?

Are you trying to import it to HM1 or HM2? This is an old HM1 thread and the HUDs posted in this thread will only work in HM1.

If you continue to have problems there is nothing else we can do since we no longer support this software so you should consider trying HM2. If you have not tried it recently you should be able to install the latest update and activate a new 30 day trial. If you have any problems with the trial let us know and we can extend the trial for you manually.

For HM2 we have a HUD Repository of customer HUDs that is much easier to browse through and find something you like - Login to Holdem Manager (http://www.holdemmanager.com//hud_repository/)