View Full Version : Importing tournaments

08-16-2010, 04:34 AM
Im completely new to HEM. I've been using PT3 for the last 4 months and managed to snag a copy of HEM for free via the cardrunners promo.

Loving it so far.

However, I'm having an issue with tourney imports. Specifically, if Im 4 tabling SNG's I lose 3 and place in 1 the info isnt showing in HEM. Basically shows like I lost 4.

With PT3 their was an email import, but I cant seem to locate that in hem.

I tried copying the results from the email I got from Pstars with the tourney results but it didnt do anything. It read the files, updated 2 of the 4 tourneys...but didnt show my cash and didnt close them.

I was able to fix them manually this time as its only 4 tourneys, but I can imagine if I start 6 tabling or more and doing 10 + tourneys a day thats going to get tedious.

I'm sure there is a way to make this easier and I've just missed it. I tried searching google and the faq but mainly just found lots of extra stuff Im not trying to mess with.

Any one able to point me in the right direction?

08-16-2010, 04:38 AM
Ok found the fix, feel free to delete the post.

The issue was notepad by default saves in Acsii instead of Unicode, and apparently that didnt work for HEM.

Switching to unicode fixed the problem.