View Full Version : DB Problem: No (new) entries in Session/Hands, but HUD Stats are working

08-10-2010, 07:24 PM
Hi all,

i've got a strange problem with my fresh installed Holdem Manager.
The Import seems to work only partially: The HUD is working and is showing the correct Stats for each Player (Num of Hands, V$IP, etc.). I also find the Players when i search in the Players Section.

But below Hands and Sessions an i can't find the new hands! (only hands/session from earlier sessions played on my main PC (see setup)).
Even after Restarting the Applicatio i can't find the data. This is somewhat strange because the HUD Data most be calculated somehow?

The setup:

My Main PC with PostGre DB and an older Version of Hem. Until today everything worked fine
My Netbook (installed today with most recent HemMM Version) and configured to connnect to the PostGre DB on my Main PC via Network
I'm playing on my Netbook (Win7, everything run in Admin Mode, have tried different import folders, playing on Pokerstars)

What i've tried:

Checked for filters, but everything is set to "show all"
Restart Holdem Manager (still the players from my last session are in the database and when i popup the detail window i can see the hands played in this session. So the Hands must be in the database)
Closed HEM and updated Holdem Manager on my Main PC to the most recent version (previous version was 2-3 month old). Then i started the application there to see if i can see the sessions/hands there, but this doesnt work either
Write this post :-)

So in short: Hands must be in the (remote) Database, Import must be working and HUD IS working. Only the Session and Hand History only show the old hands (not the new ones played from my netbook).

08-10-2010, 08:48 PM
i've got the same problem as him plus the hands aren't in the graphs!
i posted there, maybe its not the import which doesnt work, but what i've observed, when i go to last 100 hands in the cash games -> hands section i only see the € hands, but when i search under the section players the hands are there...

08-10-2010, 08:53 PM
my graph also doesn't show the new hands

08-11-2010, 07:31 AM
small update:

I've now played a hand for testing purpose on my Main PC and voila: The Hand and Session is shown as usual. So "only" the remote Usage seems to be the problem. Anyway since i use both computers this should be possible!

Any help is appreciated.

08-11-2010, 08:20 PM
Same problem here. Started yesterday after midnight. No new stats, graphs, hands, or joy.

08-11-2010, 09:50 PM
Which SQL version on the main computer?

update to http://www.holdemmanager.com/downloads/HmUpdate_1.11.04_Internal.exe

Can you create a NEW database... just as a test.. to see if you can see NEW hands on the netbook.

08-12-2010, 05:08 AM
Currentyl im running version 1.11.03 on both computers.
If i understand your correct i should create a new Database on the Main PC and then change the DB Settings on the netbook accordingly to see if the hands are then stored correctly?

I've crreated one with the pgAdmin tool and choosed my current DB as Template in the settings. Codepage is WIN1252 and tablespace is default tablespace. Is this correct or shouldn't i use the main db as a template?

How are the tables/views created in the new DB? Does Holdem Manager this automatically?

08-13-2010, 08:34 AM
can't somebody take a look into this? I've just played a session on ftp and the hands coming in are flawed or there are some hands missing.
Is there anything I can provide you guys to help you in terms of bug search?

08-13-2010, 02:25 PM
Similar problem for me happened today... computer crashed for no known reason and when I restarted HEM it had a number of pop-ups about the database and I needed to reconnect to the SQL.
Now, when I click on Cash Games: Sessions I select a player that I have 97,425 hands on (that's me) but when I look at "All Hands" the report only shows 1819 hands from last year. Same for all the Cash Games reports. Any idea how the left hand isn't working with the right?
Server name Port Number 5432
Using HEM Pro 1.11.02

08-13-2010, 11:23 PM
@Garp Please update to the latest version - http://www.holdemmanager.com/downloads/HmBetaUpdate.exe
Which SQL version are you using?
Create a NEW database

08-14-2010, 08:24 AM

my Postgre Version is 8.3. I've just updated my Holdem MM Version to 1.11.04 and will report if the problem gets solved with this...
I still need advice about how to create a new table (with or without template, see previous post above).


08-14-2010, 02:19 PM
If you want to start with a new empty holdemmanager database you need to use the holdemmanager database management (the create database button).

If you want to restore a backup of a database you need to create a new empty database in pgadminIII and restore the database backup into this database via pgadmin too.

08-14-2010, 06:52 PM
Problem solved with new version 1.11.04