View Full Version : FTP hole card display issues 1.11.01 and 1.11.01a

05-28-2010, 12:20 PM
Since updating to 1.11.01 and then 1.11.01a, FTP tables sometimes do not show both of my hole cards, rather the back of the card displays.. often at some other spot on the table. I have tried different screen sizes with the same result. Moving the mouse over the table will usually cause the hole card to move to the correct location and turn over.

After the update to 1.11.01a, FTP Rush no longer displays HUD stats at all. Hole card issue remains after the update.

05-29-2010, 10:54 AM
have you tried Site options - FT - Redraw after screen grab?
if not working anyway, revert to 1.10.06a