View Full Version : Vacuum database -- get hint

Arizona Willie
05-15-2010, 03:42 PM
I went through the database management routine and at the end of vacuuming it has this hint:

DETAIL: A total of 204800 page slots are in use (including overhead).
538032 page slots are required to track all free space.
Current limits are: 204800 page slots, 1000 relations, using 1269 kB.NOTICE: number of page slots needed (538032) exceeds max_fsm_pages (204800)
HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_fsm_pages" to a value over 538032.
Total query runtime: 2070673 ms.


How do I do this? And should I? How big should I make the parameter?

05-15-2010, 07:21 PM
To be honest im not sure, searching or posting in the PostgreSQL forums might get more replies for something advanced like this but hopefully someone else may be able to shed light on the situation