View Full Version : my hands history gone forever???!!!!

03-22-2010, 11:08 AM
hi there i need some help...
yesterday i bought hem and i started auto import as it could see my PKR/handhistory folder ...the problem is that while it was importing i could see many import errrors....as a result just few hand have been imported and if i go back now to pkr/historyfolder is empty...if i go to hmarchive i can just see few one...!!!and if i go to programs-rvgsoftware-holdemman-importing-logs i can see an import error file of 10mb but is unreadable...i think these are my hand history....
are they gone for ever?????

03-22-2010, 03:30 PM

Start Auto Import should only be used for importing small amounts while playing. Your hands are never deleted by HM, they are either in the original folder or if you've archiving setup it will be in the archive folder

Once you find them try using import from folder and it should work fine