View Full Version : Simple won/loss tracking for other games

07-15-2012, 02:09 PM
I'd like to be able to use HEM to track my winnings per session/month/year. I play mostly hold 'em, but my occasional foray into 8-game means that the numbers in HEM will never match reality. It would be great if I could do my taxes every year without having to request hand history audits from stars and do a bunch of manual work.

I know it's not the focus of the product, but it's soooo close to being able to do it all that I think it'd be a very good addition. I don't care about any stats (VPIP, PFR) for the other games, just winnings and losses, which should be dead simple to extract from the hand histories.

Any chance of this happening in the near future?

07-15-2012, 07:17 PM
It's unlikely to happen, since it would require HoldemManager to be able to read the "winnings" from the handhistories of 5 new game types: Limit 2-7, Triple Draw, Razz, Stud, Stud H/L.

In order to do so it should still read part of the handhistories, and PokerStars constantly changes the formatting of handhistories.

07-18-2012, 03:14 PM
They may change some parts of the hand history, but don't you just have to read the game type "and won/lost XXX dollars" line for each player? I'm surprised that changes often, but you know better than I do.

If it's too much of a pain and not many people want it I guess I can't complain, but hopefully somewhere down the road it happens so that HEM can be a complete solution for tracking winnings and losses.

07-18-2012, 07:41 PM
I wrote this up as a feature request: HM-5367.

Can you email us a handhistory sample of an 8-game (including Limit 2-7, Triple Draw, Razz, Stud, Stud H/L hands)
Mention in the email they should be attached to ticket HM-5367