View Full Version : HEM LARGE MTT (35k+) do not correctly import

02-18-2010, 04:45 AM
HEM LARGE MTT (35k+) do not correctly import.

Simply put the size for tourneys is limited in SQL as a smallint.

This only holds a max of -2^15 (-32,768) to 2^15-1 (32,767) players...

The assumption that there would have been no more than 33K players held true in the past, but as of late tournaments such as the world record attempts and the F40 $40 1mil NLHE guartanteed tournament have shown that this is not the case.

While importing tournaments with more than 33K players (which takes forever) it completes saying 1 import error, and no updates to the tournament info

Any plans to fix this "bug"?

02-18-2010, 09:03 AM
We had this problem some month ago with the record breaker tourneys on Stars so i assume it should be fixed in the latest versions (1.10.02).

Please update and try again and report back if its still not working.

02-18-2010, 10:07 PM
Nah I made sure this was with the current release 1.10.02

I just reimported 2 seperate 40k+ entry tournies and both failed... Mind you this took about 50 minutes on a quad core 4gb memory. But I also have BS in Comp Sci so simply testing the bounds by manually entering 32768 as size immediately throws back and SQL smallint out of bounds exception.

It is NOT working for the current release.

Maybe it is working for a beta if someone can confirm...


Either way seems pretty impractical for any MTT player with some volume of tourneys to go through manual import / request for tourney summarries, especially adding in large CPU processing time.

Seems to me there could be scripts to request tourney ID's and parse emails to an auto import folder so that using the MTT feature is actually a tool and not just something to mess around with a few times before you realize how incredibly tedious and slow it is.


The Minder
02-19-2010, 01:15 AM
@ Drew

Mate, would love some input from you here http://forums.holdemmanager.com/releases/26537-calling-all-tournament-regs.html

02-19-2010, 12:15 PM
I have this problem with the same version and I manually changed the database column from a smallint to an Integer to solve it yesterday.

This thread ( 65,000 player tournament not supported - Holdem Manager Forums (http://forums.holdemmanager.com/showthread.php?t=14022) ) implies that it shouldn't occur in new databases anymore.

I won't describe how to solve it since there's a risk of database corruption if done incorrectly (in fact I was afraid I messed it up when I made the change), so I'll let HEM support help you with this.

02-19-2010, 01:05 PM
This issue was already submitted as a bug a couple of days ago so it will be fixed in an upcoming update

04-24-2010, 07:28 PM
Which update is that supposed to be??

This is still an issue in 1.10.06a over 2 months later?! or do i need to rebuild my entire database simply to change one sql type....

EDIT: I followed the instructions to manually change the database using SQL in the link above, but this query should be able to be executed in an update for old databases, or at least an option within HEM to update old databases.

Certainly not easy for average computer user to do i might add.