View Full Version : Re-installing HM1 from external hard-drive

06-07-2012, 09:43 AM
Hi guys,

I have been searching the forum for answers, but all I can seem to find is how to re-install once you already did the back-up.

So basically my laptop just died 4 days ago. I have bought a new one, and managed to salvage the hard-drive from my old laptop.

I bought a hard-drive enclosure for my old hard-drive, and have connected it to the new laptop via USB.

I was using HM1 and want to know how I can reinstall holdem manager (with all the existing settings and history), from my old hard-drive onto my new laptop.

Any help would be very much appreciated.

06-07-2012, 07:31 PM
1- Install HoldemManagaer using the full installer @ http://www.holdemmanager.com/Downloads/Holdem_Manager_Setup.exe
(just install it to your new main harddisk) don't let it install PostgreSQL!

2- Copy the /Program Files/RVG Software/HoldemManager/Config folder from your external harddrive overwriting the same folder on your new harddrive

3- Manually install PostgreSQL with the installer from PostgreSQL: The world's most advanced open source database (http://www.postgresql.org)
During the installation when it prompts you to choose the location of the /data folder, select the Program Files/PostgreSQL/8.x/data folder on your external harddrive.