View Full Version : Stat request.

05-29-2012, 09:37 PM
1. Cbet/check/bet % - frequency of player betting river after making cbet and turn goes check/check.
2. Fold vs cbet/check/bet% - when pf caller folds to this line
3. check/check/bet % - frequency of betting river after checking twice.
4. fold vs check/check/bet

5. won@sd when bet river
6. won@sd when triple barrels

7. cbet/raise cbet on paired flop.
8. cbet/raise cbet on suited flop.

Any comments on suggested stats?

06-01-2012, 02:56 PM
Hi. Thank you for the suggestions. These stats may be reconsidered for implementation into HM2 at a later date. Currently, I would suggest that you try the NoteCaddy stats builder to add these stats. http://forums.holdemmanager.com/notecaddy/