View Full Version : HEM not importing

11-26-2009, 09:50 PM
I am using HEM version 1.09. I upgraded to Windows 7 last week and since then HEM has not worked. I also tried to set up autoimport at the same time as I installed W7 so I'm not sure which broke it, but when I try to import files it just says "importing" and then does nothing else. I tried to start a new database to see if that would help, but when I tried it gave me a connection error that said "Access to the HEM path is denied". Any ideas on how to fix this??

11-26-2009, 10:03 PM
Under Windows 7 you must set \holdem manager\dbcontrolpanel.exe, holdemmanager.exe and hmhud.exe to be started as administrator. Run the windows explorer and navigate to your Holdemmanager installation directory. Right click the executable's and select "Run as admin" from the compatibility tab.

The secondary logon service is a standard windows service which is available on every windows computer. In the latest versions it is not started automatically. You need to start it via control panel > administrative tools > services. Starting it once should insure it works in the future also.
