View Full Version : HUD not popping up

11-04-2009, 10:04 PM
All the hands are being imported from FTP but the HUD never pops up. I went thru and answered all the questions, everything that the questions asked was correct or I did, and it still didn't work. What do i do?

11-04-2009, 11:49 PM
*Please update to the latest beta - http://www.holdemmanager.com/downloads/HmBetaUpdate.exe

Did you try the table finder - http://www.holdemmanager.net/faq/afmviewfaq.aspx?faqid=54

*Please post the answer to these questions - http://www.holdemmanager.net/faq/afmviewfaq.aspx?faqid=174

Does the Table Manager not even open up? If that is the issue, try this:

0. Make sure you have installed the latest Beta version.
1. Note your database connection settings from the database management
2. Close holdemmanager
3. Go to the folder config in the holdemmanager installation path
4. Rename the file holdemmanager.config to holdemmanager.config.corrupt or sth. like that.
5. Under Vista make sure that UAC is switched off or check the administrator settings for holdemmanager.exe, hmhud.exe and dbcontrolpanel.exe under properties->compatibility
6. Restart Holdemmanager
7. Holdemmanager reinstalls and displays some messages and warnings
7a. A new holdemmanager.config file is generated
8. Reconfigure your database connection
9. After successful start reconfigure your Auto-import settings
10. Table manager should start again.

11-05-2009, 01:00 AM
Hello, this worked perfect, except when I hover over the HUD the popup yellow window doesn't come up and i dont kno what the deal is

11-05-2009, 11:25 AM
hud options > tables preferences > [ ] click for popup