View Full Version : Problem with Uploading hands

09-21-2009, 12:39 AM
My auto import has taken over 2 hours and still isn't done yet. It says 1 second left. I have tried stopping it, restarting it, rebooting full tilt, my computer etc etc and rebooting Holdem Manager. Nothing has worked... what are some potential solutions? -Andrew

09-21-2009, 04:17 AM
reboot your computer,
Update to the latest Beta.

Delete all files in the handhistory folder of your poker client or move them to a different folder and try again.

Under Vista and Windows 7 make sure UAC is disabled http://www.holdemmanager.net/faq/afmviewfaq.aspx?faqid=73
and/or holdemmanager.exe and hmhud.exe are started as administrator. Run the windows explorer and navigate to your Holdemmanager installation directory.
Right click the holdemmanager.exe and the hmhud.exe executable and select "Run as admin" from the popup menu.