View Full Version : Missing Pop up

08-15-2009, 10:48 AM
There used to be two way to access information when using my hud and I need help restoring one. When I used to left mouse click on the HUD box I would get a pop up with detailed information. Somehow this pop up has changed to one of the pop ups I've created. I know there has to be an option somewhere where you define what pop up to be displayed when you click on the hud, but I cant find it. Can anyone show me how to change this?

To be clear. I'm not talking about the stats that show up when you hover over a statistic for 1 a second. I used to be able to left click anywhere in the HUD field and get a pop up that would remain until clicked again. thx

08-15-2009, 11:58 AM
Make sure that you have turned off the HUD Options > Tables Preferences > [ ] Click for Popup

Then you can make sure the proper main popup is assigned:

HUD Options > Player Preferences > Appearance tab: > Choose Configuration: {slect applicable hud config if you have multiples} > Main Popup

It is probably a good idea to make sure you are also running the latest 1.09 Beta 24 version, if you havent updated recently.

08-15-2009, 01:03 PM
That worked. Thx