View Full Version : HU Pacific Poker for 6max table

08-02-2009, 06:22 PM
Hi all,
I don't find how to configure the hud for 6max table on pacific.
Pacific hasn't real 6max table but 10 seats. Therefore the stats position always changes and it's really difficult to play several tables using the hud.
Has someone a solution to fix my problem ?



08-02-2009, 11:10 PM
Do they have a preferred seat option at all? I think you need to use the HUD Options > Player Preferences > Appearance > Fix my stats position. Then you place your own stats in the same spot on every table, like the corner of the table window.

08-03-2009, 09:33 AM
Ty for your answer.
I will try to fix my stats position.
However, I don't think it will solver my problem.
The stats of the other players are sometimes superposed or not on the player because there are 10 seats available and the players can choose among the 10 seats where they want to sit.
Have u ever tried to play at several 6-max tables on Pacific Poker ?
By eh_gamin (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/eh_gamin) at 2009-08-03

08-04-2009, 06:33 AM
I don't think HM can solve this but i send Mike the link for a statement.

Mike chops
08-05-2009, 11:07 AM
It's not clear from the screenshot what the problem is. Are you forcing the tables to be 6-max from the config selection menu? That won't work. The tables are treated as 10-max. If you are using mining software to observe tables, there might be a problem becasue the mining software doesnt output the seat numbers correctly.

08-05-2009, 11:31 AM
Hello Mike,
No, I don't force the tables to be 6-max from the config selection menu. all the checkboxes are checked.
I am not using mining softwares but only HM.
I think the problem is that the seat numbers are not correctly handled by HM. Etiher the problem comes from pacific software or from HM.
I don't know how it works between the hh of pacific and HM.

Could u explain how it works to place the hud for each player in the screen for a Pacific poker game ?

ty in advanced
