View Full Version : file location?

11-02-2011, 07:20 PM
i play poker on two different computers and use a flash drive to keep hem up to date with hands i play at home and work. however, today and a few days ago when i played, i went to hem archives and the hands weren't under the correct date. they were in the hem software and they had been captured by the bodog hand grabber. can anyone tell me what might be going on there? where else would they be stored other than the archives? and is there another way to transfer them from from one hem to another if i can't find them in the archives? can i export the hands to a folder, then copy and paste into a flash drive?


saint john

11-02-2011, 10:56 PM
The hands should either still be in the folder were the handgrabber saves them. (or they're moved to the archive folder)
If you can't find them in both. Export them in HoldemManager; then import those files on the other computer.