View Full Version : Idea about some stats.

10-11-2011, 04:09 PM
Hi, I was just thinking about W$WSF stat and thought that since it will be different for the same player playing in tables/pokerrooms with different skill levels, there should be a stat that counts average number of players on the flop.

What I mean is, when average number of players on flop is 2 then the average players WWSF would be 50%, in case of 3 average players 33.3..% and so on.

And based on these two numbers(WWSF and avg flop players) there could even be a next step from WWSF:

WWSF*average players on flop... if bigger than 1 then obviously you are taking down more pots than average player in your limit/pokerroom and if <1 then youre taking down less pots.

Just some thoughts, maybe its already there and I'm just blind or this is just a dumb idea, but I thought it was worth posting.

10-12-2011, 03:16 AM
I can pass it along.

But one thing I see here is that WWSF is a factor of seeing a flop. This would need to account for hands dealt - maybe using the stat "Hand won" rather than WWSF to account for hands that didn't see a flop.

10-12-2011, 11:19 AM
I can pass it along.

But one thing I see here is that WWSF is a factor of seeing a flop. This would need to account for hands dealt - maybe using the stat "Hand won" rather than WWSF to account for hands that didn't see a flop.

I think a stat showing just postflop skill or how much someone fights for pots would be more useful. So I would use WWSF...

10-12-2011, 05:29 PM
OK, I passed along the request with a link to this thread

10-30-2011, 10:45 AM
Hi, next release (or one following depending on timing of the build) will have a WWSF Rating stat in the reports and hud. It is calculated based on Number of Times Won Hand When Saw Flop / Number Of Times Should have Won Hand When Saw Flop (based on # players)

So , if you see 4 flops, 2x2 handed, 1x3 handed and 1x4 handed and you won 2 of them then your rating would be:

2 / (0.5 + 0.5 + 0.33 + 0.25) =
2 / 1.58 =
1.27 which is good since 1.00 would be average

In HM2 we're going to be spending a lot of time leveraging the power of our stat system to build lots of intelligent stats and what you suggested is an example of that
