View Full Version : Satellites and manually changing $EV Won

06-29-2009, 06:38 PM
I have a few questions about the satellites on Full Tilt.
For example the "Sat to $750K Guar". Full Tilt has three types of SNG satellites to the Sunday $750 Guaranteed
-1 top 3 win a seat (or a winner takes all)
-2 top 2 win a seat, #3 wins a cash price
-3 top 2 win a seat, #3 wins Full Tilt Points (buyin is in Full Tilt Points!)

At the moment HEM can handle a #3 place finish if I win a cash price, but doesn't understand if I win a seat. Because the hand history summary reads something like: 1: Patvs wins a seat into tournament 93463948
(instead of 1: Patvs, $216)

If I add the correct $Won manually, HEM will automatically change the value of the $EV won to match the $Won.

-Why can't I manually change the $EV Won?
-Why can't HEM recalculate the $EV Won, after I've added the correct $Won?
It would be great if there was a "Fix EV for current player" option to recalculate the $EV Won in satellites, after HEM can read the satellite summary hand histories.
-If I would manually edit the summaries (BEFORE I import them), changing every: "wins a seat into tournament 93463948" into a dollar amount.
And listing the Total Prize Pool: $xxx.

Can HEM then handle the sat hand history as a normal SNG hand history?
In other words are all the Full Tilt SNG buyins and type of SNGs, and SNG speeds, etc. pre-programmed in HEM, or can I manipulate the handhistories myself (of satellites) in such a way before I import them, that HEM will think the satellite is a normal SNG. (also resulting in correct $EV Won data?)

-And finally, if the Full Tilt Poker Tournament Summary has ALREADY been imported. What happens if I edit the file and re-import it. Will it rewrite the existing data?

06-29-2009, 06:54 PM
I will forward this to the developer for a reply.

07-04-2009, 11:02 PM

Any chance we can manually edit the $EV WON soon for satellites?

09-10-2009, 04:03 AM

09-10-2009, 06:39 AM
I'll forward it to Roy again...

09-10-2009, 05:59 PM
Hi, if you email the hand history to support@holdemmanager.net we can work on making it import better. The $EV editing / recalculating is something we will do but quite a bit more work
