View Full Version : separate stats for separate players

09-10-2011, 07:23 PM
I would like to be able to see different stats for different opponents. For instance, I am more concerned with the player to my left's 3-Bet % than I am with the player to my right.

The way I envision accomplishing this is by setting up different stats as separate panels, and positioning the panels so that for each player the relevant stats are beside their name/avatar while the irrelevant ones are out of sight. I've tried playing around with positioning the stats and modifying the overhang, but I haven't had any luck. Stats placed outside the table (after increasing the overhang) are still visible, and when I make radical re-arrangements to the stats' layout (such as placing all irrelevant stats to one side) they don't stay put -- rather, every time I resize/move the table the stats jump around.

Any advice?


09-11-2011, 05:00 AM
1) To move stats on one table only, untick Table prefs - wysiwyg
2) To move only one panel - press CTRL and move