View Full Version : Easier way to see opponent cards on Hands tab?

08-12-2008, 05:36 PM
Tried searching for this, but didn't have any luck. If it's been covered before, feel free to just point me to a previous post.

I'm trying to get a feel for my opponent's ranges in various situations. For example, say I want to know what opponents are 4-betting me with preflop. I can go to the hands tab and filter on "Faced Preflop 4 Bet = True" and I also filter on "Final Pot Size in BBs is Bigger than... 100" to get rid of the shortstackers. This works and I get a correct list of hands. However, the opponent's holecards are not shown on the Hands tab, so I would have to replay each hand individually or look at the hand histories and record the opponent's holecards for every single hand. This is pretty tedious. Is there any easier way to view the opponent's holecards for a number of hands?

Thanks in advance.

08-12-2008, 06:02 PM
Right click -> View selected hand history