View Full Version : probleme sur everest.fr

07-31-2011, 04:26 PM
bonjour,je n arrive pas a lire les stats elles ne s affichent sur les tables j ai bien mis le site de poker en anglais l import des mains se fait .j utilise table finder pour retrouver mes tables elle apparaissent mais meme en mettant le drapeau rouge dessus rien ne se passe j aimerais beaucoup un coup de main :D merci d avance

08-01-2011, 12:14 AM
What's your question exactly?

Your HUD doesn't appear?
Also set the Everest lobby language in English. (you may need to reinstall the client to do so)

Please update to the latest version - http://www.holdemmanager.com/Downloads/HmUpdate.exe
set the date formatting of your computer to M/d/yyyy (and not to European default d/M/yyyy) with regional settings English (United States)

08-01-2011, 06:14 AM
hi,everest est déjà en anglais et j ai aussi mis la derniers version de holdem qui la version 1.11.07a je sais vraiment plus quoi faire

08-01-2011, 09:53 AM
Is your Hud not working or what is the problem?

* Under Vista and Windows 7 make sure that holdemmanager.exe, hmhud.exe and dbcontrolpanel.exe are started as administrator. Run the windows explorer and navigate to your Holdemmanager installation directory. Right click the holdemmanager.exe, dbcontrolpanel.exe and the hmhud.exe executable and select "Run as admin" from the popup menu under compatibilty.

* If that doesn't help, please check this and answer and post the questions http://faq.holdemmanager.com/questions/48/My+HUD+Doesn't+Work