View Full Version : Bad table row in top window during scanning

05-01-2009, 03:24 PM
Whilst scanning Full Tilt the first row of the top window has a table which does not pass the filter. It is highlighted. If one tries to highlight another row the software put the highlight back onto the top row.

Very annoying as it means the top window table selection is not useable during scanning.

05-05-2009, 10:46 PM
A more expansive description of the behaviour:

All at start of/ during scan:
In the bottom window the first player is automatically given the focus
This makes an entry in the top row for the table - also in focus regardless
of whether the table passes the top window filter.
The middle window displays the player from the top row of the top window,
including the one player in the top row of the bottom window of course.

Each windo is effectively "pinned" - one can not move off of the row since it always snaps back to the first row in each window.

When scanning stops:
The table that used to be the row in the top window is gone.
No row in the top window has the focus.

No row in the bottom window has the focus.

The top row of the middle window has the focus - the player list is
(?) the list of players from the old focus table which is not present any more (I think).

It would be very useful to have the Table Scanner useful during the scanning period.