View Full Version : Cant find Current player

07-25-2011, 12:21 AM
Good afternoon. Thank you for the opportunity to test the some things. I would like to report a small bug that was me:
When you first start, I imported my database from Holdem Manager 1. After importing I have not found my nickname on Poker Stars (as it seemed to me at all with all the nicknames Pokerstars were not visible). I thought that
perhaps were not imported arms. Put your hands on the import of the Archive. All hands were tested, but there were duplicates. Attempt to find a nickname I've been doing in the Home tab in the top menu Current Player, or lower. After restarting HM2 Current player just stopped showing top players (not sure if he was showing it to do so). Only after I went into the menu and choose Reports tab Tournaments (Tournaments played it the nickname for the Stars) in all the menus have to be players with Pokerstars.
In connection with this problem was solved with resetting HM2, or with the setting in the menu Reports I do not know.

I apologize for my terrible English.
Regards, Alex

P.S. Unfortunately, until he found the possibility of combining the sessions by day (only HM2 own association in time). This is my carelessness? Or until well there?

07-25-2011, 04:20 PM
In HM1 player list is common for cash and tourneys. But in HM2 if you don't have any cash hand in DB and you are in cash reports - in won't show your name in player list. The same is for Home page - because Cash is default
Go to Tourneys and find yourself.

2. Your English really is... how to tell this... not so good :o
- so think will be better to post in RU part of this forum - а там разберемся.

07-26-2011, 11:47 AM
I actually think this should be a bug - I've been confused a few times with this and although I understand why we did it like this I think it has the opposite effect and makes it more confusing. I'm going to write up a bug for it
