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  1. Color Coding Problem(resolved with latest update)
  2. problem with license
  3. CaddyReport pop up
  4. Filters doesnt work
  5. I cant delete definitions
  6. Hands processing - notes aren`t adding
  7. trial test
  8. How to enter my license code
  9. Do we have to buy NoteCaddy seperatley?
  10. Notecaddy popups stats does not appear
  11. Break the "Main" into different streets
  12. Wiz call
  13. Lost color definitions
  14. Do you need to make the notes again if you change popups?
  15. NC help
  16. Can someone explain what features come with HEM2
  17. NC causing HM2 performance issues?
  18. Some of my definitions doesnt show in NoteCaddy popups
  19. Delete all notes(R)
  20. Cannot replay the hands
  21. note caddy icon disappear
  22. Notecaddy in HM2 when I already had a license
  23. HM2+NoteCaddy: NoteCaddy Notes appear/disappear playing live
  24. coloring does not work
  25. Note Caddy and Microgaming
  26. No function of nc works,need help
  27. Notecaddy APP in HM2 performance issue
  28. NoteCaddy hangs while processing
  29. Note caddy support same poker sites as HM2?
  30. Note Caddy and HEM 1
  31. Note Caddy stops when creating notes
  32. .NET Error while moving cursor over note icon
  33. Just getting started with NoteCaddy? Read this first!
  34. how to turn off Notecaddy notes in HEM1 for iPoker
  35. NC dont want to import the rest of the hands
  36. Note Output Editor
  37. Export/Import Note and Color Definitions
  38. question to creating a note definition
  39. NC notes in popups just like on hud?
  40. NS stats in HUD popups.
  41. HUD Icon not working
  42. Creating notes on gigantic datebase, add a filter?
  43. How to create definition "AI postflop deep stacked with top pair or slight overpair"?
  44. frustrating 11m hand database, help plz.
  45. Color coding
  46. caddy report not working
  47. What are these percentages in note caddy popup..
  48. No notes if special character in the name
  49. Edit Notecaddy and trying it out for FL?
  50. NoteCaddy isn't running with 6 month Pro Combo 2: Hold'em+Omaha trial licension
  51. Updating Notecaddy
  52. Can i use HM1+Caddy when upgrade Caddy licence till HM2?
  53. Note Caddy HUD Notes Not Working with
  54. Caddy report not showing new hands
  55. Request: HM2 Main Pop Up with Notecaddy pop-ups
  56. HM2 crushes like nonstop, buying notecaddy licence for HM1
  57. NC not working on HEM 2 for me(resolved)
  58. Diagnostic error
  59. Error Viewer
  60. full list of NC definitions
  61. Colour Coding
  62. floprange not showing
  63. Where is General > Sample Filters in version? Why they disappear?
  64. NoteCaddy 2.2 - Consequences will never be the same
  65. notecaddy not working for PKR
  66. Error processing hands - given key not in dictionary
  67. NoteCaddy "wiz-call" and "wiz-shove" Note Definitions
  68. nc doesn't work now(resolved)
  69. Any chance to make NoteCaddy work faster?
  70. arent notecaddy notes stored in db?
  71. Required Note occured too frequently
  72. CaddyScatter Strength
  73. Positions 6max
  74. new all database note creation no notes?
  75. NOTECADDY Quick Q&A thread
  76. Notecaddy stats not working in pop-up
  77. About sorting and new defenitions
  78. Suggestion
  79. Call Preflop 3bet Range definition(Resolved)
  80. Nothing happens when I try remove/create new notes
  81. Range on flop how to select 3pair
  82. Pacific and capping note
  83. Hero is of wrong player type, all player types are selected.(Resolved)
  84. HM goes slower and slower when I use NC
  85. Notecaddy MTT
  86. Error message
  87. Enumerated values, ranges(Suggestions)
  88. Wrong $turnaction
  89. Two small "bugs" in the NC's interface
  90. Upgrade NoteCaddy to Premium
  91. Problem with player type(Resolved)
  92. Error after adding "Omaha Cards"
  93. Note definition's history(Resolved)
  94. Bug with the Caddyreport window
  95. About the deviation setting
  96. Three bet in UTG vs ... SB
  97. No more color coding in last version
  98. Group by effective stack is no good
  99. no caddyreport hands import after hm2 upgrade(Resolved)
  100. Not taking notes?
  101. error: Notecaddy is not accessible
  102. Sometime CaddyScatter doesn't show up... [Fix linked in first post]
  103. About Vairable
  104. notecaddy definitions
  105. Stacksize
  106. Next step: time tells?!
  107. Post flop bets(Suggestion noted)
  108. showing notes with a hotkey(Suggestion Noted)
  109. Some Problem with Color Coding for PokerStars(resolved)
  110. NCs Notes aren`t sorted in 5846(resolved)
  111. NC with HM1 (auto color)
  112. NoteCaddy Replayer
  113. Can't find stats for hero as opponents see
  114. Task processor making same notes over and over
  115. help with definition -'just call in bb strong'
  116. Omaha Support, comments please
  117. Notes was made, but don't appear in notes popup
  118. problems with the hm2 5846 update
  119. Can No Longer Analyze Notes
  120. Player put no money... definitions/ Implicit weakness
  121. HEM2 Crashing when running note def. analysis.
  122. A graph which is easier for user to read
  123. where can I find the instruction of bet size graph
  124. Notecaddy only displays Hero's notes in opponents tab
  125. NoteCaddy and Mining!
  126. No notes in HEM
  127. NoteCaddy: a couple of problems
  128. Notes Indicate Event Happens Twice
  129. Preflop>Action>"All PF Action perfomed must be selected" not work with 4Bet Actions?
  130. clicking tabs is so slow
  131. auto upgrade to .5944 will fix all outstanding issues
  132. CaddyScatter settings
  133. $strengthversusaverage
  134. Artefacts in notes. HEM 5944(known issue being worked on)
  135. Few questions from newbie
  136. Can I has more columns pls?
  137. Skipping notes(resolved fix coming in next update)
  138. Getting Confused
  139. Autocreating notes at HM2 start.(Resolved)
  140. Different enumerated values for each definition(explanation given & suggestion noted)
  141. suggestion for filtering gametype notes, problem with players in action
  142. Can't add notecaddy popup in hud(Resolved)
  143. Pocket pair under high card - what is that?(Resolved)
  144. False "Open Ended Straight Draw (OESD)" - can we avoid them?
  145. New to NC
  146. cant activate NoteCaddy
  147. Something very bad with NC Flop > Range sampling(Resolved)
  148. NoteCaddy and CPU
  149. 4Bet sizing VS player!
  150. Notes - Results inclompete!?
  151. Openraise Call Definition - Problems
  152. Wrong PLO hand identification.
  153. French supported site ?(Resolved)
  154. $cardrange results in short form. PLO bug.(Fix coming in next ver)
  155. Suggestion: $betsizeversusaverage
  156. Error:42601
  157. Remove/recreate notes does not working
  158. Opportunites by action doesn't work with manual bet size.(R)
  159. Note file setting
  160. Problem with Color Range in HUD for stats created within NoteCaddy.
  161. Bigger font in popups
  162. What is right - Logical "And" or logical "Or" betwen "Made hands" and "Drawing hand"?
  163. Deviation from Average?
  164. Small Suggestion
  165. Player had to get all chips in on the flop(Resolved)
  166. General Strength - where I'm doing wrong?
  167. problem to uso notecaddy in hm2
  168. Notecaddy causing crash
  169. HM is starting to create notes from scratch after the DB sync over HM Sync(Explained)
  170. caddyscatter dont show up...(resolved)
  171. Pre flop action "Open raise"(Resolved)
  172. How To make def(Resolved)
  173. Note Caddy for HM1(advised)
  174. Notes for last several months not whole database
  175. Reset NoteCaddy Popups
  176. NC 4 bet sizing
  177. Note Caddy Basic
  178. is created to take notes the whole database after restarting the HM2
  179. A question about Note Caddy syntax
  180. Caddy Report marked hands?(fixed in next vers)
  181. Reset notes to create new
  182. Caddy Scatter(Self resolved)
  183. Color coding for Stars is all wrong
  184. Translate to russian
  185. Nc & pt3
  186. P on notecaddy icon in the hud
  187. isnt it weird(Resolved)
  188. performance
  189. adding new note
  190. Task prpcessor running endless
  191. NC has problems with file management(R)
  192. Popup - results inclomplete, but why?
  193. Avg strength(fixed in next vers)
  194. Consolidated NoteCaddy feature request thread
  195. 3 bet call range - How
  196. Incorrect river bet in $riverbetaspotfraction
  197. Adding new def via pending tasks
  198. NC isnt processing any hands after this hm2 upgrade(R)
  199. Player Had to Get All-In On River(R)
  200. how to use "shoves correctly"caddyNote"?
  201. Caddy Scatter for HU PLO
  202. player type(Self resolved)
  203. Advanced tab Sample size ?(Resolved)
  204. Define opportunities by Holdem Card?(R)
  205. Small bugs with PotBet and ManualBet(R)
  206. Endless note creating!
  207. Note Caddy Premium Combo?(R)
  208. Color Coding Problem - Or bad settings
  209. Cant run Notecaddy(R)
  210. Notes on HUD?
  211. config new note in hm2 is very slow!
  212. Error! Error! Error! Need help(R)
  213. what's mean of "two straight " "three straight"?(R)
  214. Can't exit full screen in Note Caddy(R)
  215. Color Code only for vilains with new hands?
  216. Problem w/ stats in popup
  217. New definitions import problems
  218. Hard disk getting full-suspect old notes not deleted
  219. Blue Dotted Line in Sparks(R)
  220. Changes in definition are not saved.
  221. notecaddy can't remove notes created by...
  222. Hand definitions in Note Output Editor
  223. Wrong river bet size.(R)
  224. Define opportunities by range - bug?(BW)
  225. Question reg. spec. note definition
  226. One opportunities - one notes.
  227. how to use Cyborg note?(R)
  228. last percentage number in Caddy Note(R)
  229. multiple previous actions possible?(R)
  230. hud doesn't show all notes
  231. Question definition «Hero» was the last preflop raiser.
  232. number in handrange is wrong!
  233. NoteCaddy color coding SSD
  234. Note Caddy Popups sorting flexibility request(Advised)
  235. Blind vs Blind scenarios
  236. No new notes in caddy report!
  237. CaddySpark
  238. Disabling NC
  239. default definitions
  240. Note Caddy in Hand Viewer?
  241. NC Creates notes at startup, even though there are no active notes.
  242. Getting started with NoteCaddy
  243. added hh
  244. Color Coding don´t work
  245. average strength bug
  246. Pushrange
  247. Problem works effective stack size?
  248. Problems with NoteCaddy
  249. Pending tasks
  250. Badges?