View Full Version : NoteCaddy
Pages :
- Color Coding Problem(resolved with latest update)
- problem with license
- CaddyReport pop up
- Filters doesnt work
- I cant delete definitions
- Hands processing - notes aren`t adding
- trial test
- How to enter my license code
- Do we have to buy NoteCaddy seperatley?
- Notecaddy popups stats does not appear
- Break the "Main" into different streets
- Wiz call
- Lost color definitions
- Do you need to make the notes again if you change popups?
- NC help
- Can someone explain what features come with HEM2
- NC causing HM2 performance issues?
- Some of my definitions doesnt show in NoteCaddy popups
- Delete all notes(R)
- Cannot replay the hands
- note caddy icon disappear
- Notecaddy in HM2 when I already had a license
- HM2+NoteCaddy: NoteCaddy Notes appear/disappear playing live
- coloring does not work
- Note Caddy and Microgaming
- No function of nc works,need help
- Notecaddy APP in HM2 performance issue
- NoteCaddy hangs while processing
- Note caddy support same poker sites as HM2?
- Note Caddy and HEM 1
- Note Caddy stops when creating notes
- .NET Error while moving cursor over note icon
- Just getting started with NoteCaddy? Read this first!
- how to turn off Notecaddy notes in HEM1 for iPoker
- NC dont want to import the rest of the hands
- Note Output Editor
- Export/Import Note and Color Definitions
- question to creating a note definition
- NC notes in popups just like on hud?
- NS stats in HUD popups.
- HUD Icon not working
- Creating notes on gigantic datebase, add a filter?
- How to create definition "AI postflop deep stacked with top pair or slight overpair"?
- frustrating 11m hand database, help plz.
- Color coding
- caddy report not working
- What are these percentages in note caddy popup..
- No notes if special character in the name
- Edit Notecaddy and trying it out for FL?
- NoteCaddy isn't running with 6 month Pro Combo 2: Hold'em+Omaha trial licension
- Updating Notecaddy
- Can i use HM1+Caddy when upgrade Caddy licence till HM2?
- Note Caddy HUD Notes Not Working with
- Caddy report not showing new hands
- Request: HM2 Main Pop Up with Notecaddy pop-ups
- HM2 crushes like nonstop, buying notecaddy licence for HM1
- NC not working on HEM 2 for me(resolved)
- Diagnostic error
- Error Viewer
- full list of NC definitions
- Colour Coding
- floprange not showing
- Where is General > Sample Filters in version? Why they disappear?
- NoteCaddy 2.2 - Consequences will never be the same
- notecaddy not working for PKR
- Error processing hands - given key not in dictionary
- NoteCaddy "wiz-call" and "wiz-shove" Note Definitions
- nc doesn't work now(resolved)
- Any chance to make NoteCaddy work faster?
- arent notecaddy notes stored in db?
- Required Note occured too frequently
- CaddyScatter Strength
- Positions 6max
- new all database note creation no notes?
- NOTECADDY Quick Q&A thread
- Notecaddy stats not working in pop-up
- About sorting and new defenitions
- Suggestion
- Call Preflop 3bet Range definition(Resolved)
- Nothing happens when I try remove/create new notes
- Range on flop how to select 3pair
- Pacific and capping note
- Hero is of wrong player type, all player types are selected.(Resolved)
- HM goes slower and slower when I use NC
- Notecaddy MTT
- Error message
- Enumerated values, ranges(Suggestions)
- Wrong $turnaction
- Two small "bugs" in the NC's interface
- Upgrade NoteCaddy to Premium
- Problem with player type(Resolved)
- Error after adding "Omaha Cards"
- Note definition's history(Resolved)
- Bug with the Caddyreport window
- About the deviation setting
- Three bet in UTG vs ... SB
- No more color coding in last version
- Group by effective stack is no good
- no caddyreport hands import after hm2 upgrade(Resolved)
- Not taking notes?
- error: Notecaddy is not accessible
- Sometime CaddyScatter doesn't show up... [Fix linked in first post]
- About Vairable
- notecaddy definitions
- Stacksize
- Next step: time tells?!
- Post flop bets(Suggestion noted)
- showing notes with a hotkey(Suggestion Noted)
- Some Problem with Color Coding for PokerStars(resolved)
- NCs Notes aren`t sorted in 5846(resolved)
- NC with HM1 (auto color)
- NoteCaddy Replayer
- Can't find stats for hero as opponents see
- Task processor making same notes over and over
- help with definition -'just call in bb strong'
- Omaha Support, comments please
- Notes was made, but don't appear in notes popup
- problems with the hm2 5846 update
- Can No Longer Analyze Notes
- Player put no money... definitions/ Implicit weakness
- HEM2 Crashing when running note def. analysis.
- A graph which is easier for user to read
- where can I find the instruction of bet size graph
- Notecaddy only displays Hero's notes in opponents tab
- NoteCaddy and Mining!
- No notes in HEM
- NoteCaddy: a couple of problems
- Notes Indicate Event Happens Twice
- Preflop>Action>"All PF Action perfomed must be selected" not work with 4Bet Actions?
- clicking tabs is so slow
- auto upgrade to .5944 will fix all outstanding issues
- CaddyScatter settings
- $strengthversusaverage
- Artefacts in notes. HEM 5944(known issue being worked on)
- Few questions from newbie
- Can I has more columns pls?
- Skipping notes(resolved fix coming in next update)
- Getting Confused
- Autocreating notes at HM2 start.(Resolved)
- Different enumerated values for each definition(explanation given & suggestion noted)
- suggestion for filtering gametype notes, problem with players in action
- Can't add notecaddy popup in hud(Resolved)
- Pocket pair under high card - what is that?(Resolved)
- False "Open Ended Straight Draw (OESD)" - can we avoid them?
- New to NC
- cant activate NoteCaddy
- Something very bad with NC Flop > Range sampling(Resolved)
- NoteCaddy and CPU
- 4Bet sizing VS player!
- Notes - Results inclompete!?
- Openraise Call Definition - Problems
- Wrong PLO hand identification.
- French supported site ?(Resolved)
- $cardrange results in short form. PLO bug.(Fix coming in next ver)
- Suggestion: $betsizeversusaverage
- Error:42601
- Remove/recreate notes does not working
- Opportunites by action doesn't work with manual bet size.(R)
- Note file setting
- Problem with Color Range in HUD for stats created within NoteCaddy.
- Bigger font in popups
- What is right - Logical "And" or logical "Or" betwen "Made hands" and "Drawing hand"?
- Deviation from Average?
- Small Suggestion
- Player had to get all chips in on the flop(Resolved)
- General Strength - where I'm doing wrong?
- problem to uso notecaddy in hm2
- Notecaddy causing crash
- HM is starting to create notes from scratch after the DB sync over HM Sync(Explained)
- caddyscatter dont show up...(resolved)
- Pre flop action "Open raise"(Resolved)
- How To make def(Resolved)
- Note Caddy for HM1(advised)
- Notes for last several months not whole database
- Reset NoteCaddy Popups
- NC 4 bet sizing
- Note Caddy Basic
- is created to take notes the whole database after restarting the HM2
- A question about Note Caddy syntax
- Caddy Report marked hands?(fixed in next vers)
- Reset notes to create new
- Caddy Scatter(Self resolved)
- Color coding for Stars is all wrong
- Translate to russian
- Nc & pt3
- P on notecaddy icon in the hud
- isnt it weird(Resolved)
- performance
- adding new note
- Task prpcessor running endless
- NC has problems with file management(R)
- Popup - results inclomplete, but why?
- Avg strength(fixed in next vers)
- Consolidated NoteCaddy feature request thread
- 3 bet call range - How
- Incorrect river bet in $riverbetaspotfraction
- Adding new def via pending tasks
- NC isnt processing any hands after this hm2 upgrade(R)
- Player Had to Get All-In On River(R)
- how to use "shoves correctly"caddyNote"?
- Caddy Scatter for HU PLO
- player type(Self resolved)
- Advanced tab Sample size ?(Resolved)
- Define opportunities by Holdem Card?(R)
- Small bugs with PotBet and ManualBet(R)
- Endless note creating!
- Note Caddy Premium Combo?(R)
- Color Coding Problem - Or bad settings
- Cant run Notecaddy(R)
- Notes on HUD?
- config new note in hm2 is very slow!
- Error! Error! Error! Need help(R)
- what's mean of "two straight " "three straight"?(R)
- Can't exit full screen in Note Caddy(R)
- Color Code only for vilains with new hands?
- Problem w/ stats in popup
- New definitions import problems
- Hard disk getting full-suspect old notes not deleted
- Blue Dotted Line in Sparks(R)
- Changes in definition are not saved.
- notecaddy can't remove notes created by...
- Hand definitions in Note Output Editor
- Wrong river bet size.(R)
- Define opportunities by range - bug?(BW)
- Question reg. spec. note definition
- One opportunities - one notes.
- how to use Cyborg note?(R)
- last percentage number in Caddy Note(R)
- multiple previous actions possible?(R)
- hud doesn't show all notes
- Question definition «Hero» was the last preflop raiser.
- number in handrange is wrong!
- NoteCaddy color coding SSD
- Note Caddy Popups sorting flexibility request(Advised)
- Blind vs Blind scenarios
- No new notes in caddy report!
- CaddySpark
- Disabling NC
- default definitions
- Note Caddy in Hand Viewer?
- NC Creates notes at startup, even though there are no active notes.
- Getting started with NoteCaddy
- added hh
- Color Coding don´t work
- average strength bug
- Pushrange
- Problem works effective stack size?
- Problems with NoteCaddy
- Pending tasks
- Badges?
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