View Full Version : HM2 Releases

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  1. Whens the updated beta coming?
  2. Omah included?
  3. HM2 Beta Release Thread (
  4. license in MYHM
  5. cant update
  6. My Holdem Manager 2 Beta expired, now what?
  7. 5022 where are the...
  8. latest update download crashes !!!
  9. Prefetch hands in HEM2
  10. No valid license to HM2
  11. Any eta on the next HM2 patch?
  12. I have a question.
  13. Cannot run HM2
  14. stattriggger error
  15. HM2 cant connect to Database
  16. Can't Start HM2 Beta (
  17. does hm2 work at ongame/betfair without force on top - active table only
  18. table scanner - HM2
  19. rotate stats clockwise?
  20. How can i fix the hud for a winamax 3handed?
  21. where is hm2 Stat Definitions
  22. Error occurs while trying to launch HM2
  23. how do I go about setting up a TV meeting with support?
  24. how can I see the hero's all hands stat when replay
  25. HeM2 is importing hands but not archiving and not showing
  26. how to change hero in hm2?
  27. stat reset button (anonymous tables + cake poker)
  28. installer dont ask for installation path
  29. PLO with #3176
  30. HH viewer still switches hands during live play
  31. Installer (not updater)
  32. Beta version expired?
  33. where can i find some HM stats
  34. windose 7 style
  35. Note caddy licence
  36. Can't register HM2 - Error
  37. hey just updated there and the 3bet bt stat dosent show in hud at ongame
  38. HM2 HUD and Ongame.it
  39. How do I transfer my HM apps to HM2?
  40. Software problem /error report
  41. HM2 Problems / HM1 Expiration ?
  42. HM2 pot odds at replayer
  43. 30 Day Trial
  44. NC in the HM2 trail.
  45. HEM2 player's name on HUD
  46. Cake Poker Hud
  47. HM2, Not recognize a backup of the HM1
  48. HM2 : problems with the replayer and tables pokerstars.it
  49. Cant use NoteCaddy
  50. Upgrade from Beta to Purchased
  51. Upgrading HM2 licence
  52. How to check monthly results in sesion tab
  53. hem1 custom stats in hem2
  54. How do I set my own HUD as preferred?
  55. from new HM1 purchase to HM2
  56. HM2, HM1-database import, ongame
  57. Easy problem with hud
  58. HM2 super slow
  59. HEM2 Active Player Window STILL NOT THERE?
  60. cant upgrade
  61. can't upgrade the HM2
  62. can't update
  63. HM sync not working??
  64. Importing Stats from 1.0 not working
  65. Hud not working on 6th table and up
  66. HUD not working in FL on stars.
  67. Problems with importing the database from HEM 1.
  68. Beta version expired
  69. Software Problem...
  70. postgresql installation error
  71. where to download new builds
  72. Replayer -> Hero Stats -> Zero hands
  73. The stat PF call 4Bet is wrong
  74. hud not working since the last 2 updates
  75. 2.0.05602 Build - Stats Disappeared
  76. Line Analysis is wierd..
  77. Some troubles, Update/Hud/Import/Caddy
  78. 0days left on trial
  79. HM2, Table manager, save position HELP..
  80. HUD stat - where is flop cbet IP?
  81. HUD Stats - 3bet / Fold to 3bet / 4bet Position vs Position
  82. Serial number don't work!
  83. HM2: Fonts
  84. HM2: Auto-import folders not saved in backup
  85. HUD stats colors
  86. could not install HM2
  87. problem hm2 trial-winamax.fr
  88. Add Stats problem Move up and down
  89. Several Performance and Bug Issues with HEM2
  90. HEM Postgres error + reinstalling Postgres with HEM2 problems
  91. HEM2 import from HEM1 Database
  92. Cant create 2 different HUD
  93. HM2 Crash after installation
  94. hm2 problem importing
  95. Where's the 'table manager' on HM2?
  96. Performance issues / CPU usage - Fixed
  97. HUD Problem - Table Finder every table
  98. HM2 Error
  99. Leak Buster tab
  100. Some stats wont show on my HUD
  101. stats and hud
  102. will not accept my serial number
  103. HM2 asking me for License key every time I start it up, and other issues
  104. Problems updating HEM2
  105. 4b/fold vs 3b IP/OOP meaning
  106. Copy hand history to clipboard in HM2??
  107. Microgaming anonymous table.
  108. HM2 import error
  109. god hm2 is so painfully buggy
  110. 6MAX share your HM2 hud layouts
  111. pot odds stat in %
  112. Why would I upgrade to HM2?
  113. When are should we expect notecaddy stats to work in popups?
  114. A few questions about HM2 and HM1
  115. HM2 has stopped working
  116. table manager where please ?
  117. Help
  118. I want a refund.
  119. how can I see the hero's all hands stat when replay
  120. Do HM1 owners get a free upgrade?
  121. viewing notes without clicking
  122. missing stats topic
  123. ETA on next public release
  124. HM2 asks to register everytime it is launched and it still doesn't work
  125. Reports it is necessary to add management
  126. restore still doesn't work
  127. HEM2 didnt import all hands
  128. 4BetRange=RFR * 4Bet% ?
  129. Hands missing from reports tab?
  130. hands missing in HUD!!!
  131. reports: by session: colums
  132. Holdem manager upgrade
  133. HEM1 and HEM2
  134. Can't register secondary license on laptop
  135. Please keep new releases coming !!!
  136. Doesn't work Popup
  137. Problem all version HM2
  138. Refresh issue
  139. HM2 not responding after update
  140. Where auto rate rules file in hm2?
  141. How it is possible?
  142. Problems with HEM2 when dealing with data mined hands
  143. EV$ in sessions section
  144. problem whit last release
  145. HEM2 auto update not working
  146. 4b stats gone in hud in 5965
  147. no hand summary on tables
  148. HEM2 Disscount
  149. ghost session
  150. No drop-down menu
  151. Table Manager Icon in HM2
  152. Import rakeback & bonusses from HM1
  153. Баги худа
  154. Defend against squeeze stat
  155. HM2, stats fold to 4bet no found..
  156. HM2 I do not read more than the hh yesterday.
  157. HM2 HUD not working on PS
  158. HM sync features
  159. Future stats and a bug
  160. Upgrading HM1 pro edition to HM2 NL pro edition
  161. Filters
  162. Need help with filters
  163. HM2 donsent work (error Framework V4.0)
  164. Small to Pro?
  165. Carbon Poker MTT results incorrect
  166. Windows UAC
  167. HeM2 crashing on start
  168. Holdem Manager: Official Release (30 day trial) download link please!!!!!!
  169. When will all streets ev come?
  170. Is anybody read this?
  171. Update Error
  172. HEM2 hand posting in forum from replayer, where?
  173. HUD HH opening behind the tables 4316
  174. HeM2 f*%$"ing up for more than a month
  175. New Coke/Coke Classic (the drink)
  176. Not happy
  177. tablescanner
  178. Newest release
  179. 6199
  180. HM-HM2 upload code problem [NEEEED HELP]
  181. HM Sync, total hands differece.
  182. main popup question
  183. Problem when marking hands during session
  184. How to stop hm1 database import in hm2?
  185. Did you try HEM2 your self?
  186. HM2 sync problem (uploads but does not download hands)
  187. Mark/Unmark hands
  188. All time update???
  189. Can NOT download 6309
  190. no summary/replayer section after update
  191. 6309
  192. Hud position problem
  193. licence problem
  194. Problem with hero stats
  195. Cannot update last version HM2.
  196. Hm2 crash
  197. HUD in replayer
  198. Upgrade HM1 huds setupt
  199. I don't see my hands on HM2
  200. Reports window empty
  201. .6380 Notecaddy not working
  202. Hm 6380 Ongame- europoker, a not removable sign "Table not found " is false
  203. Which Installer
  204. HM2 no showdown hands showed
  205. Winamax
  206. After update HM2 to version Notecaddy stop working
  207. HM2 loose hand during the session!!!
  208. No new features
  209. Recording tourneys but not the winnings
  210. Policy of future upgrade costs for HM2 ?
  211. HM2 bug/crash computer
  212. After Update to 6413 have HUD errors
  213. VPIP/PFR ratio for autorate
  214. importing autorate settings from HM1
  215. Get a new release out asap Please
  216. Zoom Poker
  217. Is HM2 ready for the Pokerstars Zoom Games ??
  218. crush
  219. 6470- HUD not manifesting on CAKE
  220. is current again?
  221. When can we expect HEM 2 for MAC?
  222. 6483 version update issue
  223. AutoUpdate not working where can I download .6483 !!!
  224. Roll back an update
  225. 6483 is crashing
  226. 6483 problem with a new pop up
  227. Things which Must be fixed... Yestarday!
  228. hm2 crash when I use NC
  229. HM-3526/4353 - Ipoker 9 max pacific 4 max seating options
  230. new hem2 release
  231. HEM 2 not showing HUD in zoom55
  232. HUD Stats Definition pages - out of date
  233. 6534 bugs
  234. hm2 freezes
  235. How to update HM2 to latest release?
  236. New HEM2 update problem
  237. Seating preferences, change for default, help..
  238. HM2 crashes after clicking Report''s tab
  239. Postgres question
  240. Custom stats
  241. HM2 not archiving
  242. - Zoom Poker Problems
  243. HM2 login
  244. HM2 New Beta Big problems in Zoompoker
  245. HUD Missing Everleaf tourney
  246. HUD bugs in build 6635
  247. Fix the zoom hud!
  248. HM2 error report
  249. "A Software Problem Caused Holdem Manager to close unexpectedly"
  250. how to remove VPxxx, PFxxx, $xxx under select HUD?