Вам необходимо добавить общую статистику «Ривер против Ставки Фолд%» в hud, затем перейти в меню «Свойства предмета» и установить «Имеет позицию = В...
Sisal ha creato un programma di poker unendosi a pokerstars e dopo aver aggiornato Hm3 e settato i programmi seguendo le stesse indicazioni di...
Which browser are you using and what specific page/URL are you unable to access? Our HM3 store site does not have a 'Personal Settings' page in it's...
Thank you for your reply. I followed the steps and the problem wasn't fixed. I've created a support ticket and uploaded the hand history files as you...
HM3 doesn't import Bet 365 hands which involve all in cashout. Even if i don't take the option to do the cashout if the other player does, that hand...